The Carnegie Mellon University Materials Research Science Engineering Center
The Carnegie Mellon MRSEC was an interdisciplinary Center involving multiple faculty focused on understanding, at a predictive level, the mechanisms that link the performance of polycrystalline materials to their structure and processing. The Center pioneered techniques for characterizing and modeling materials in three dimensions and including the full crystallographic complexity of polycrystalline materials.
The Carnegie Mellon University MRSEC was funded by the National Science Foundation from 1996 though 2013 under grants DMR-9632556, DMR-0079996, and DMR-0520425. This page has bee set up as a link to some of the Center's products and publications.
A list of 439 publications produced by the Center can be found below.
The microstructure analysis codes developed by the Center have been incorporated in the Dream.3D platform, an open source code for the analysis of microstructures in three dimensions: Dream3D.
Codes for the simulation of microstructure evolution are also freely available as part of the Mesoscale Microstructure Simulation Project.
A grain boundary data archive that makes available raw data, processed results, and the codes used for all of the calculations can be found at this URL: Grain Boundary Data Archive
We still run a summer school to introduce researchers to techniques developed by the MRSEC for the 3D analysis and simulation of polycrystalline structure. We will continue to offer this as long as there is a need in the community. 3D Microstructure Summer School
2014 |
2014.01 K. Barmak, A. Darbal, K.J. Ganesh, P.J. Ferreira, J.M. Rickman, T. Sun, B. Yao, A.P. Warren and K.R. Coffey, “Surface and grain boundary scattering in nanometric Cu thin films: A quantitative analysis including twin boundaries,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A 32: 061503 (2014).
DOI: 10.1116/1.4894453 |
2014.02 X. Yuan, G.S. Rohrer, X. Song, H. Chien, J. Li, C. Wei, “Effect of plastic deformation on the sigma 2 grain boundary plane distribution in WC-Co cemented carbides,” International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 47: 38-43 (2014).
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2014.05.012 | |
2014.03 X. Liu, An.P. Warren, N.T. Nuhfer, A.D. Rollett, K.R. Coffey, K. Barmak, “Comparison of crystal orientation mapping-based and image-based measurement of grain size and grain size distribution in a thin aluminum film,” Acta Materialia, 79: 138–145 (2014).
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2014.07.014 | |
2014.04 X. Yuan, K. Gao, G.S. Rohrer, X. Fang, “Grain boundary plane distributions in a hot rolled 5A06 aluminum alloy,” Advanced Engineering Materials, 16: 1105-1110 (2014).
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201300458 | |
2014.05 S. Ratanaphan, Y. Yoon, and G.S. Rohrer, “The Five Parameter Grain Boundary Character Distribution of Polycrystalline Silicon,” ournal of Materials Science, 49: 4938-4945 (2014).
DOI: 10.1007/s10853-014-8195-2 | |
2014.06 H. Beladi, N.T. Nuhfer, and G.S. Rohrer, “he Five Parameter Grain Boundary Character and Energy Distributions of a Fully Austenitic High Manganese Steel Using Three Dimensional Data,” Acta Materialia, 70: 281-289 (2014).
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2014.02.038 | |
2014.07 X. Yuan, G.S. Rohrer, X. Song, H. Chien, J. Li, “Modeling the Interface Area Aspect Ratio of Carbide Grains in WC-Co Composites,” International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 44: 7-11 (2014).
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2014.01.004 | |
2014.08 P.G. Kotula, G.S. Rohrer and M.P. Marsh, “Focused ion beam and scanning electron microscopy for 3D materials characterization,” MRS Bulletin, 39: 361-365 (2014).
DOI: 10.1557/mrs.2014.55 | |
2014.09 S.-B. Lee, G.S. Rohrer and A.D. Rollett, “Three-dimensional digital approximations of grain boundary networks in polycrystals,” Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 22: 025017 (21 pp) (2014).
DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/22/2/025017 | |
2014.10 X. Liua, N.T. Nuhfer, A.D. Rolletta, S. Sinha, S.-B. Lee, J.S. Carpenter, J.E. LeDonne, A. Darbal, K. Barmak, “Interfacial orientation and misorientation relationships in nanolamellar Cu/Nb composites using transmission-electron-microscope-based orientation and phase mapping,” Acta Materialia, 64: 333–344 (2014).
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2013.10.046 | |
2014.11 S.A. Bojarski, M. Stuer, Z. Zhao, P. Bowen, G.S. Rohrer, “Influence of Y and La Additions on Grain Growth and the Grain Boundary Character Distribution of Alumina,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97: 622-630 (2014).
DOI: 10.1111/jace.12669 | |
2014.12 H. Beladi, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, V. Tari and P.D. Hodgson, “The Distribution of Intervariant Crystallographic Planes in a Lath Martensite Using Five Macroscopic Parameters,” Acta Materialia, 63: 86-98 (2014).
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2013.10.010 | |
2013 |
2013.01 K. Barmak, E. Eggeling, D. Kinderlehrer, R. Sharp, S. Ta’asan, A.D. Rollett, K.R. Coffey, "Grain growth and the puzzle of its stagnation in thin films: The curious tale of a tail and an ear," Prog. Materials Science, 58, pp. 987–1055 (2013).
DOI: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2013.03.004 |
2013.02 Darbal, A. D.; Ganesh, K. J.; Liu, X.; Lee, S. -B.; Ledonne, J.; Sun, T.; Yao, B.; Warren, A. P.; Rohrer, G. S.; Rollett, A. D.; Ferreira, P. J.; Coffey, K. R.; Barmak, K., “Grain Boundary Character Distribution of Nanocrystalline Cu Thin Films Using Stereological Analysis of Transmission Electron Microscope Orientation Maps,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 19(1): 111-119 (2013).
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927612014055 | |
2013.03 Semiatin, S. L.; McClary, K. E.; Rollett, A. D.; Roberts, C. G.; Payton, E. J.; Zhang, F.; Gabb, T. P., “Plastic Flow and Microstructure Evolution during Thermomechanical Processing of a PM Nickel-Base Superalloy,” Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A –Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 44A: 2778-2798 (2013).
DOI: 10.1007/s11661-013-1675-1 | |
2013.04 S. Curiotto, H. Chien, H. Meltzman, S. Labat, P. Wynblatt, G.S. Rohrer, W.D. Kaplan, D. Chatain, “Copper crystals on the (11-20) sapphire plane: orientation relationships, triple line ridges and interface shape equilibrium,” Journal of Materials Science, 48: 3013-3026 (2013).
DOI: 10.1007/s10853-012-7080-0  | |
2013.05 X. Yuan, X. Song, H. Chien, J. Li, G.S. Rohrer, “Effect of Densification Mechanism on the Sigma-2 Grain Boundary Plane Distribution in WC-Co Composites,” Materials Letters, 92: 86-89 (2013).
DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2012.10.074 | |
2013.06 H. Beladi and G.S. Rohrer, “The Relative Grain Boundary Area and Energy Distributions in a Ferritic Steel Determined from Three Dimensional Electron Backscatter Diffraction Maps,” Acta Materialia, 61: 1404-1412 (2013).
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2012.11.017 | |
2013.07 A.D. Darbal, K.J. Ganesh, X. Liu, S.-B. Lee, J. Ledonne, T. Sun, B. Yao, A.P. Warren, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, P.J. Ferreira, K.R. Coffey, and K. Barmak, “Grain Boundary Character Distribution of Nanocrystalline Cu Thin Films Using Stereological Analysis of Transmission Electron Microscope Orientation Maps,” Microsc. Microanal., 19: 111-119 (2013).
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927612014055 | |
2013.08 S.-B. Lee, T.S. Key, Z. Liang, R.E. Garcia, S. Wang, X. Tricoche, G.S. Rohrer, Y. Saito, C. Ito, T. Tani, “Microstructure design of lead-free piezoelectric ceramics,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 33: 313-326 (2013).
DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2012.08.015 | |
2013.09 S. Havelia, S. Wang, K.R. Balasubramaniam, A.M. Schultz, G.S. Rohrer, P.A. Salvador, “Combinatorial substrate epitaxy: a new approach to growth of complex metastable compounds,” CrystEngComm, 15: 5434-5441 (2013).
DOI: 10.1039/C3CE40469B | |
2013.10 H. Beladi and G.S. Rohrer, “The Distribution of Grain Boundary Planes in IF Steel,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44A: 115-124 (2013).
DOI: 10.1007/s11661-012-1393-0 | |
2013.11 Das, Amit; Acharya, Amit; Zimmer, Johannes; et al., “Can equations of equilibrium predict all physical equilibria? A case study from Field Dislocation Mechanics,” MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS, 18: 803-822 (2013).
DOI: 10.1177/1081286512451940 | |
2013.12 X. Liu, D. Choi, H. Beladi, N.T. Nuhfer, G.S. Rohrer, and K. Barmak, “The five parameter grain boundary character distribution of nanocrystalline tungsten,” Scripta Materialia, 69: Pages (2013).
DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2013.05.046 | |
2013.13 Li, S. F.; Suter, R. M., “Adaptive reconstruction method for three-dimensional orientation imaging,” JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 46: 512-524 (2013).
DOI: 10.1107/S0021889813005268 | |
2012 |
2012.01 J. Qian, Y. Zhang. “Dual Contouring for Domains with Topology Ambiguity,” Proceedings of the 20th International Meshing Roundtable, Part 1. (Springer: Berlin),W.R. Quadros, Ed., pp. 41-60. (2012). |
2012.02 J. Leng, Y. Zhang, G. Xu, “A Novel Geometric Flow-Driven Approach for Quality Improvement of Segmented Tetrahedral Meshes,” Proceedings of the 20th International Meshing Roundtable, Part 1. (Springer: Berlin),W.R. Quadros, Ed.,pp. 347-364 (2012). |
2012.03 Y. Zhang, J. Qian, “Dual Contouring for domains with topology ambiguity,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 217–220: 34-45, (2012). DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2012.01.004. |
2012.04 H.J. Ryu, D.B. Fortner, G.S. Rohrer, and M.R. Bockstaller, "Measuring Relative Grain-Boundary Energies in Block-Copolymer Microstructures," Physical Review Letters, 108 (2012) 107801. |
2012.05 S.B. Lee, J.E. LeDonne, S.C.V. Lim, I.J. Beyerlein, A.D. Rollett, “ The heterophase interface character distribution of physical vapor-deposited and accumulative roll-bonded Cu-Nb multilayer composites,” Acta Materialia, 60(4): 1747-1761 (2012). DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2011.12.007 |
2012.06 J.S. Carpenter, X. Liu, A. Darbal, N.T. Nuhfer, R.J. McCabe, S.C. Vogel, J.E. Ledonne, A.D. Rollett, K. Barmak, I.J. Beyerlein, N.A. Mara, “ A comparison of texture results obtained using precession electron diffraction and neutron diffraction methods at diminishing length scales in ordered bimetallic nanolamellar composites,” Scripta Materialia, 67 (4): 336-339 (2012). DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.05.018 |
2012.07 C.M. Hefferan, J. Lind, S.F. Li, U. Lienert, A.D. Rollett, R.M. Suter, “Observation of recovery and recrystallization in high-purity aluminum measured with forward modeling analysis of high-energy diffraction microscopy,” Acta Materialia, 60(10): 4311-4318 (2012). |
2012.08 L. Hu, A.D. Rollett, M. Iadicola, T. Foecke, S. Banovic, “Constitutive Relations for AA 5754 Based on Crystal Plasticity,” Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A, 43A(3): 854-869 (2012). DOI: 10.1007/s11661-011-0927-1 |
2012.09 S. L. Semiatin, K.E. McClary, A.D. Rollett, C.G. Roberts, E.J. Payton, F. Zhang, T.P. Gabb, “ Microstructure Evolution during Supersolvus Heat Treatment of a Powder Metallurgy Nickel-Base Superalloy,” Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A, 43A(5): 1649-1661 (2012). DOI: 10.1007/s11661-011-1035-y |
2012.10 K.J. Ganesh, A. Darbal, S. Rajasekhara, G.S. Rohrer, K. Barmak, P.J. Ferreira, “ Effect of downscaling nano-copper interconnects on the microstructure revealed by high resolution TEM-orientation-mapping,” Nanotechnology, 23(13): 135702 (2012). DOI:10.1088/0957-4484/23/13/135702 |
2012.11 S.A Bojarski, S.L. Ma, W. Lenthe, M. Harmer, G.S. Rohrer, "Changes in the Grain Boundary Character and Energy Distributions Resulting from a Complexion Transition in Ca-Doped Yttria," Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A, 43A(10):3532-3538 (2012). DOI: 10.1007/s11661-012-1172-y |
2012.12 D. Kar, S. D. Sintay, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, "Role of Inclination dependent anisotropy on boundary populations during two-dimensional grain growth," Recrystallization and Grain Growth IV in Materials Science Forum, v. 715-716, p. 697-702 (2012). DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.715-716.697 |
2012.13 P.J. Konijnenberg, S. Zaefferer, S.-B. Lee, A.D. Rollett, G.S. Rohrer, and D. Raabe, "Advanced Methods and Tools for Reconstruction and Analysis of Grain Boundaries from 3D-EBSD Data Sets" in Textures of Materials - ICOTOM 16 in Materials Science Forum, v. 702-703, p.475-478 (2012).
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.702-703.475 |
2011 |
2011.01 S.Y. Wang; E.A. Holm, J. Suni, M.H. Alvi, P.N. Kalu, A.D. Rollett, “Modeling the recrystallized grain size in single phase materials”, Acta Materialia, 59(10): 3872-3882 (2011). DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2011.03.011 |
2011.02 S.-B. Lee, R. A. Lebensohn, and A. D. Rollett, “Modeling the Viscoplastic Micromechanical Response of Two-Phase Materials using Fast Fourier Transforms”, International Journal of Plasticity 27(5): 707-727 (2011). DOI:10.1016/j.ijplas.2010.09.002 |
2011.03 S. Puri, A. Acharya, and A.D. Rollett "Controlling Plastic Flow across Grain Boundaries in a Continuum Model," Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A , 42A (3): 669-675 (2011). DOI: 10.1007/s11661-010-0257-8 |
2011.04 K. Barmak, E. Eggeling, M. Emelianenko, Y. Epshteyn, D. Kinderlehrer, R. Sharp, and S. Ta'asan, “Critical events, entropy, and the grain boundary character distribution,” Phys. Rev. B, 83(13): 134117 (2011). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.83.134117 |
2011.05 N. Kota, B. Ozdoganlar, A.D. Rollett, “A Rate-Sensitive Plasticity-Based Model for Machining of Face-Centered Cubic Single-Crystals-Part I: Model Development,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering: Transactions of the ASME, 133 (3): 031017 (2011). DOI: 10.1115/1.4004134 |
2011.06 N. Kota, B. Ozdoganlar, A.D. Rollett, “A Rate-Sensitive Plasticity-Based Model for Machining of fcc Single-Crystals-Part II: Model Calibration and Validation,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering: Transactions of the ASME, 133 (3): 031018 (2011). DOI: 10.1115/1.4004135 |
2011.07 S.J. Dillon, L. Helmick, H.M. Miller, L. Wilson, R. Gemman, R.V. Petrova, K.Barmak, G.S. Rohrer, P.A. Salvador, “The Orientation Distributions of Lines, Surfaces, and Interfaces around Three-Phase Boundaries in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes,” J. Am. Cer. Soc., 94(11): 4045-4051 (2011). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04673.x |
2011.08 K. Barmak, E. Eggeling, M. Emelianenko, Y. Epshteyn, D. Kinderlehrer, R. Sharp, S. Ta’asan, “An entropy based theory of the grain boundary character distribution,” DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, 30(2):427-454 (2011). DOI:10.3934/dcds.2011.30.427 |
2011.09 S. Puri, A. Das, A. Acharya, “Mechanical Response of multicrystalline thin films in mesoscale field dislocation mechanics,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 59 (11): 2400-2417 (2011). DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2011.06.009 |
2011.10 L. Helmick, S.J. Dillon, K. Gerdes, R. Gemmen, G.S. Rohrer, S. Seetharaman, P.A. Salvador, “Crystallographic characteristics of grain boundaries in dense Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia,” International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 8 (5): 1218-1228 (2011). DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7402.2010.02567.x |
2011.11 D. Choi, B.C. Wang, S. Chung, Z. Liu, A. Darbal, A. Wise, N.T. Nuhfer, K. Barmak, A.P. Warren, K.R. Coffey, M.F. Toney, “Phase, grain structure, stress, and resistivity of sputter-deposited tungsten films,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A., 29 (5) 051512 (2011). DOI: 10.1116/1.3622619 |
2011.12 G.S. Rohrer, “Grain Boundary Energy Anisotropy: a review,” J. Materials Sci., 46 (18): 5881-5895. DOI:10.1007/s10853-011-5677-3 |
2011.13 E.A. Holm, G.S. Rohrer, S.M. Foiles, A.D. Rollett, H.M. Miller, D.L. Olmstead, “Validating computed grain boundary energies in fcc metals using the grain boundary character distribution,’” Acta Materialia, 59 (13): 5250-5256 (2011). DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2011.05.001 |
2011.14 S. Curiotto, H. Chien, H. Meltzman, P. Wynblatt, G.S. Rohrer, W.D. Kaplan, D. Chatain, “Orientation Relationships of copper crystals on c-plane sapphire,” Acta Materialia, 59 (13): 5320-5331 (2011). DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2011.05.008 |
2011.15 D.H. Kim, S.J. Kim, S.H. Kim, A.D. Rollett, K.H. Oh, H.N. Han, “Microtexture development during equibiaxial tensile deformation in monolithic and dual phase steels,” Acta Materialia, 59 (14): 5462-5471 (2011). DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2011.05.020 |
2011.16 U. Lienhert, S.F. Li, C.M. Hefferan, J. Lind, R.M. Suter, J.V. Bernier, N.R. Barton, M.C. Brandes, M.J. Mills, M.P. Miller, B. Jakobsen, W. Pantleon, “High-energy diffraction microscopy at the advanced photon source,” JOM, 63 (7): 70-77 (2011). DOI: 10.1007/s11837-011-0116-0 |
2011.17 B. Wang, D.C. Berry, Y. Chiari, K, Barmak, “Experimental measurements of the heats of formation of Fe(3)Pt, FePt, and FePt(3) using differential scanning calorimetry,” J. Applied Physics, 110 (1): 13903 (2011). DOI: 10.1063/1.3601743 |
2011.18 T.A. Bennett, P.N. Kalu, A.D. Rollett, “Strain-Induced Selective Growth in 1.5% Temper-Rolled Fe similar to 1%Si,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17 (3):362-367 (2011). DOI: 10.1017/S1431927611000377 |
2011.19 A. Khorashadizadeh, D. Raabe, S. Zaefferer, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, M. Winning, “Five-Parameter Grain Boundary Analysis by 3D EBSD of an Ultra Fine Grained CuZr Alloy Processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing,” Advanced Engineering Materials, 13 (4): 237-244 (2011). DOI: 10.1002/adem.201000259 |
2011.20 G.S. Rohrer, “Measuring and Interpreting the Structure of Grain Boundary Networks,” J. Am. Cer. Soc., 94 (3): 633-646 (2011). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04384.x |
2011.21 R.A. Lebensohn, A.D. Rollett, P. Suquet, “Fast fourier transform-based modeling for the determination of micromechanical fields in polycrystals,” JOM, 63 (3) :13-18 (2011). DOI: 10.1007/s11837-011-0037-y |
2011.22 J. Li and G. Rohrer, “Measuring Grain Boundary Character Distributions from 3D EBSD Data,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17 (Suppl. 2) , pp 394-395 (2011). doi:10.1017/S1431927611002844 |
2011.23 K. Ganesh, A. Darbal, S. Rajasekhara, G. Rohrer, K. Barmak and P. Ferreira, “Characterizing Texture and Grain Boundaries in Nanoscale Cu Interconnects by Precession Electron Diffraction,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17 (Suppl. 2) , pp 1346-1347 (2011). doi:10.1017/S1431927611007604 |
2011.24 A. Darbal, K. Ganesh, K. Barmak, G. Rohrer, P. Ferreira, T. Sun and K. Coffey, “Grain Boundary Characterization of Nanocrystalline Cu from the Stereological Analysis of Transmission Electron Microscope Orientation Maps,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17 (Suppl. 2) , pp 1416-1417 (2011). doi:10.1017/S1431927611007951 |
2011.25 E. F. Rauch , K. Barmak, J. K. Ganesh, P. Ferreira, A. Darbal, D. Choi, T. Sun, B. Yao, K. R. Coffey, and S. Nicolopoulos, “TEM automated orientation and phase mapping for thin film applications”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17 (Suppl. 2), 1086-1087 (2011). |
2011.26 M.D. Uchic, M.A. Groeber, A.D. Rollett, “Automated Serial Sectioning Methods for Rapid Collection of 3D Microstructure Data,” JOM, 63(3):25-29 (2011). DOI: 10.1007/s11837-011-0041-2 |
2011.27 J.C. Tucker, L.H. Chan, G.S. Rohrer, M.A. Groeber, A.D. Rollett, “Tail departureof log-normal grain size distributions in synthetic 3D microstructures,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 1-13 (2011). DOI: 10.1007/s11661-011-0851-4 |
2011.28 S.-H. Choi, D.W. Kim, B.S. Seong, A.D. Rollett, “3-D simulation of spatial stress distribution in an AZ31 Mg alloy sheet under in-plane compression", Intl. J. Plasticity, 27(10): 1702-1720, (2011). DOI:10.1016/j.ijplas.2011.05.014. |
2011.29 I. M. Robertson, C. A. Schuh, J. S Vetrano, N. D. Browning, D. P. Field, Dorte, J. Jensen, M. K. Miller, I. Baker, D. C. Dunand, R. Dunin-Borkowski, B.Kabius, T. Kelly, S. Lozano-Perez, A. Misra. G. S. Rohrer, A. D. Rollett, M. L. Taheri, G. B. Thompson, M. Uchic, X.-L. Wang, G. Was, “Towards an integrated materials characterization toolbox”, JOM, 26(11): 1341-1383 (2011). DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2011.41 |
2011.30 J.D. Hochhalter, D.J. Littlewood, M.G. Veilleux, J.E. Bozek, A.M. Maniatty, A.D. Rollett, A.R. Ingraffea, “A geometric approach to modeling microstructurally small fatigue crack formation: III. Development of a semi-empirical model for nucleation”, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 19(3): 035008 (2011). DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/19/3/035008 |
2010 |
2010.01: J. Gruber, A.D. Rollett, G.S. Rohrer, "Misorientation texture development during grain growth. Part II: Theory," Acta Materialia 58 (2010) 14–19. |
2010.02 J. Zhu, L. M. Fernandez Diaz, G. R. Holcomb, P. D. Jablonski, C. J. Cowen, D. E. Laughlin, D. Alman, and S. Seetharaman, “On the Relation Between Oxide Ridge Evolution and Alloy Surface Grain Boundary Disorientation in Fe–22 wt % Cr Alloys” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157 5 (2010) B655-B664. |
2010.03. S. J. Dillon, H. Miller, M. P. Harmer, and G. S. Rohrer, "Grain Boundary Plane Distributions in Aluminas Evolving by Normal and Abnormal Grain Growth and Displaying Different Complexions," International Journal of Materials Research, 101 (2010) 50-56. |
2010.04 M. P. Harmer, "Interfacial Kinetic Engineering: How Far Have We Come Since Kingery’s Inaugural Sosman Address?" J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93: (2010) 301–317. |
2010.05 J. Mach, A. Beaudoin, A. Acharya, “Continuity in the plastic strain rate and its influence on texture evolution,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 58 (2): 2010, 105-128. |
2010.06 A. Acharya, “New inroads in an old subject: Plasticity, from around the atomic to the macroscopic scale,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 58 (5):2010, 766-778 |
2010.07 M. L. Taheri, J. T. Sebastian, B. W. Reed, D. N. Seidman and A.D. Rollett, “Site-Specific Atomic Scale Analysis of Solute Segregation to a Coincidence Site Lattice Grain Boundary”, Ultramicroscopy, 110 (4): (2010) 278-284. |
2010.08 N. Kota and O.B. Ozdoganlar, “A Model-Based Analysis Of Orthogonal Cutting For Single-Crystal Fcc Metals Including Crystallographic Anisotropy,” Machining Science and Technology, 14 (1): (2010) 102 – 127. |
2010.09 N.Bozzolo, L. Chan, and A. D. Rollett, “Misorientations induced by Deformation Twinning in Titanium,” Journal of Applied Crystallography, 43: (2010), 596-602. |
2010.10 S. J. Dillon, M. P. Harmer, and G. S. Rohrer, "The Relative Energies of Normal and Abnormal Grain Boundaries Displaying Different Complexions," Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(2010) 1796-1802. |
2010.11 G.S. Rohrer and H.M. Miller, "Topological Characteristics of Plane Sections of Polycrystals," Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) 3805-3814. |
2010.12 T. Sun, B. Yao, A. P. Warren, K. Barmak, M. F. Toney, R. E. Peale, and K. R. Coffey, “Quantitative analysis of the impact of surface and grain boundary scattering on the resistivity of nanometric Cu films,” Phys Rev B, 81: (2010) 155454. |
2010.13 W.G. Wang, B.X. Zhou, G.S. Rohrer, H. Guo, Z. Cai, "Textures and grain boundary character distributions in a cold rolled and annealed Pb-Ca based alloy," Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 527: (2010) 3695-3706. |
2010.14 G.S. Rohrer, E.A. Holm, A.D. Rollett, S.M. Foiles, J. Li, D.L. Olmsted, "Comparing calculated and measured grain boundary energies in nickel," Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) 5063-5069. |
2010.15 S.J. Dillon, M.P. Harmer, and G.S. Rohrer, "Influence of interface energies on solute partitioning mechanisms in doped aluminas," Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) 5097-5108. |
2010.16 G.S. Rohrer, J. Li, S. Lee, A.D. Rollett, M. Groeber, M.D. Uchic, "Deriving the grain boundary character distribution and relative grain boundary energies from three dimensional EBSD data," Materials Science and Technology, 26 (2010) 661-669. |
2010.17 C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, and R.M. Suter, “Tests of Microstructure Reconstruction by Forward Modeling of HEDM Data,” Journal of Powder Diffraction, 25, 132-137 (2010). |
2010.18 M. Winning, A.D. Rollett, G. Gottstein, D.J. Srolovitz, A. Lim and L.S. Shvindlerma, “Mobility of Low Angle Grain Boundaries in Pure Metals,” Philosophical Magazine & Philosophical Magazine Letters, 90:(2010) 3107-3128. |
2010.19 K.-J. Ko, A. D. Rollett and N.-M. Hwang, “Abnormal grain growth of Goss grains in Fe-3%Si steel driven by sub-boundary enhanced solid-state wetting: Analysis by Monte-Carlo simulation”, Acta Materialia, 58:(2010) 4414-4423. DOI: 10.1021/la100840a |
2010.20 P. Wynblatt, S. Curiotto, D. Chatain, “A model of oxygen adsorption at liquid copper surfaces, “ Surface Science, 604: (2010) 1369-1376. |
2010.21 A. D. Rollett, R. A. Lebensohn, M. Groeber, Y. Choi, J. Li and G. S. Rohrer, “Stress hot spots in viscoplastic deformation of polycrystals,” Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 18, (2010) 074005. doi:10.1088/0965-0393/18/7/074005 |
2010.22 N. Kota and O.B. Ozdoganlar, “Machining force and surface finish variation across grains during orthogonal micromachining of aluminum.” Proceedings of 5th ICOMM, 2010, 133-138. |
2010.23 N. Kota, A.D. Rollett, and O.B. Ozdoganlar, “Modelling machining forces for fcc metals.” Proceedings of 4M/ICOMM, 2009, 333-336. |
2010.24 A. Acharya, K. Matthies and J. Zimmer, “Travelling wave solutions for a quasilinear model of field dislocation mechanics,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 58, (2010) 2043-2053. |
2010.25 C. Fressengeas, A. Acharya, A. Beaudoin, “Dislocation mediated continuum plasticity: case studies on modeling scale dependence, scale-invariance, and directionality of sharp yield point,” in Computational Methods for microstructure-property relationships, Ed. Somnath Ghosh and Dennis Dimiduk, Springer, 277-310. |
2010.26 A. Darbal, K. Barmak, N. T. Nuhfer, T. Sun, K. R. Coffey “Grain size determination and grain boundary characterization of nanocrystalline thin films from conical dark field imaging,” Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis 15, Supplement 2, 1232-1233(2010). |
2010.27 T. Sun, Bo Yao, A. P. Warren, K. Barmak, M. F. Toney, R. E. Peale, and K. R. Coffey, “Surface and grain-boundary scattering in nanometric Cu films”, Phys. Rev. B 81, 155454:1-12 (2010). |
2010.28 B. Yao, T. Sun, A. Warren, H. Heinrich, K. Barmak, K. R. Coffey, “High contrast hollow-cone dark field transmission electron microscopy for nanocrystalline grain size determination”, Micron 41, 177-182 (2010). DOI: 10.1016/j.micron.2009.11.008 |
2010.29 K. Barmak, T. Sun, K. R. Coffey, “Impact of surface and grain boundary scattering on the resistivity of nanometric Cu interconnects”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1300, Eds. E. Zschech, P. S. Ho, S. Ogawa, 12-22 (2010). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3527118 |
2010.30 J. Qian, Y. Zhang, W. Wang, A. C. Lewis, M.A. S. Qidwai, A. B. Geltmacher, “Quality Improvement of Non-Manifold Hexahedral Meshes for Critical Feature Determination of Microstructure Materials,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 82(11):2010, 1406-1423. |
2010.31 S.R. Wilson, C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, R.M. Suter and A.D. Rollett, “Microstructural Characterization and Evolution in 3D,” Risoe 2010 Symposium proceedings, Challenges in materials science and possibilities in 3D and 4D characterization techniques, p. 201, N. Hansen, D. Juul Jensen, S.F. Nielsen, H.F. Poulsen, and B. Ralph, editors (2010). |
2010.32 U. Lienert, M.C. Brandes, J.V. Bernier, M.J. Mills, M.P. Miller, S.F. Li, C.M. Hefferan, J. Lind, R.M. Suter, “3DXRD at the Advanced Photon Source: Orientation Mapping and Deformation Studies,” Risoe 2010 Symposium proceedings, Challenges in materials science and possibilities in 3D and 4D characterization techniques, p. 59, N. Hansen, D. Juul Jensen, S.F. Nielsen, H.F. Poulsen, and B. Ralph, editors (2010). |
2010.33 C. Hefferan, F. Li, J. Lind, U. Lienert, A.D. Rollett, P. Wynblatt, R. Suter, “Statistics of High Purity Nickel Microstructure From High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy”, Computers, Materials and Continua (2010), 14(3) 209-219. |
2010.34 M. J. R. Sandim, D. Stamopoulos, L. Ghivelder, S. C. V. Lim, A. D. Rollett, “Paramagnetic Meissner effect and ac magnetization in roll-bonded Cu-Nb layered composites”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, DOI: 10.1007/s10948-010-0810-0, 23(8): 1533-1541 (2010). |
2010.35 X.L. Jia, J. Listak, V. Witherspoon, X. Peng, E.E. Kalu, M.R. Bockstaller “Effect of Matrix Molecular Weight on the Coarsening Mechanism of Polymer-Grafted Gold Nanocrystals”, Langmuir, 26 (14) : 12190-12197 (2010). DOI: 10.1021/la100840a |
2009.01: M. Takashima and P. Wynblatt, "Grain Boundary Orientations in a Fe-Mn-Cu Polycrystalline Alloy," Proceedings of ICOTOM-15, Ed. A. D. Rollett, Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 201, (2009) 213-220. |
2009.02: C.G. Roberts, S.L. Semiatin, and A.D. Rollett, “Two-phase microstructure generation in 3d based on 2d sections of a nickel alloy”, in Materials Processing and Texture, A. D. Rollett, ed. (Ceram. Trans., 201, J. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009) 771-778. |
2009.03: S. Wang, M. H. Alvi, and A.D. Rollett, “Subgrain coarsening of hot-rolled AA5005 aluminum alloy: a comparison between EBSD observations and Monte Carlo Simulations”, in Materials Processing and Texture, A. D. Rollett, ed. (Ceram. Trans., 201, J. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009) 569-576. |
2009.04: S.C.V. Lim and A.D. Rollett, “Function of layer thickness on the microstructural evolution in copper of annealed roll-bonded CuNb composites”, in Materials Processing and Texture, A. D. Rollett, ed. (Ceram. Trans., 201, J. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009) 481-488. |
2009.05: G.S. Rohrer, J. Gruber, and A.D. Rollett, “Distributions in polycrystalline materials”, in Materials Processing and Texture, A. D. Rollett, ed. (Ceram. Trans., 201, J. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009) 343-354. |
2009.06: L.H. Chan, H. Weiland, S. Cheong, G.S. Rohrer, and A.D. Rollett, “The correlation between grain boundary character and intergranular corrosion susceptibility of 2124 aluminum alloy”, in Materials Processing and Texture, A. D. Rollett, ed. (Ceram. Trans., 201, J. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009) 261-268. |
2009.07: H.M. Miller, G.S. Rohrer, "Evolution of the grain boundary character distribution in Strontium Titanate with Grain Growth," in Applications of Texture Analysis, A.D. Rollett, Editor, (Ceram. Trans., 201, J. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009) 335-342. |
2009.08: S.J. Dillon and G.S. Rohrer, "Mechanism for the Development of Anisotropic Grain Boundary Character Distributions during Normal Grain Growth," Acta Materialia, 57 (2009) 1-7. |
2009.09: S.J. Dillon and G.S. Rohrer, "Three-Dimensional FIB-OIM of Ceramic Materials," in Applications of Texture Analysis, A.D. Rollett, Editor, (Ceram. Trans., 201, J. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009) 117-124. link |
2009.10: D. Kinderlehrer, and M. Kowalczyk, "The Janossy effect and hybrid variational principles," DCDS-B, 11.1, (2009)153-176. |
2009.11: H. Chien, M.C. Gao, H.M. Miller, G.S. Rohrer, Z. Ban, P. Prichard, Y. Liu, "Microtexture and Hardness of CVD Deposited alpha-Al2O3 and TiCxN1-x Coatings," International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 27 (2009) 458-464. |
2009.12: T.Sun, B. Yao, A. P. Warren, K. Barmak, M.F. Toney, R. E. Peale, and K. R. Coffey, “Dominant role of grain boundary scattering in the resistivity of nanometric Cu films,” Phys. Rev. B 79, (2009) 041402. |
2009.13: S.K. Mishra, P. Pant, K. Narasimhan, A.D. Rollett, I. Samajdar, “On the Widths of Orientation Gradient Zones Adjacent to Grain Boundaries,” Scripta Materialia, 61 (2009) 273. |
2009.14: H. Chien, Z. Ban, P. Prichard, Y. Liu, G.S. Rohrer, "Influence of Microstructure on Residual Thermal Stresses in TiCxN1-x and alpha-Al2O3 Coatings on WC-Co Tool Inserts," Proceedings of the 17th Plansee Seminar 2009 (Editors: L.S. Sigl, P. Rodhammer, H. Wildner, Plansee Group, Austria) Vol. 2, HM 42/1-11. |
2009.15: S.J. Dillon and G.S. Rohrer, "Characterization of the Grain Boundary Character and Energy Distributions of Yttria using Automated Serial Sectioning and EBSD in the FIB," Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 (2009) 1580-1585 |
2009.16: A. Brahme, J. Fridy, H. Weiland and A.D. Rollett, “Modeling Texture Evolution during Recrystallization in Aluminum”, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 17: 1 (2009) 015005. |
2009.17: E. Terrell, and C.F. Higgs III, “A Particle-Augmented Mixed Lubrication Modeling Approach to Predicting Chemical Mechanical Polishing”, ASME Journal of Tribology, 131 (2009) 012201. |
2009.18: J. Li, S.J. Dillon and G.S. Rohrer, "Relative Grain Boundary Area and Energy Distributions in Nickel," Acta Materialia, 57 (2009) 4304-4311. |
2009.19: K. Barmak, M. Emelianenko, Y. Epshteyn, D. Kinderlehrer, and S. Ta'asan, “Geometric growth and character development in large metastable systems,” Rendiconti Matematica Serie VII, 29, Roma (2009), 65-81. |
2009.20: G.S. Rohrer and V. Randle, "Measurement of the five-parameter grain boundary distribution from planar sections," in Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science, edited by A.J. Schwartz, M. Kumar, B.L. Adams, and D.P. Field (Springer, New York, 2009) 215-229. |
2009.21: R.H. Moore, G.S. Rohrer, S. Saigal, "Reconstruction and simplification of high-quality multiple-region models from planar sections," Engineering with Computers, 25 (2009) 221-235. |
2009.22: S.C.V. Lim and A.D. Rollett, “Length Scale Effects on Recrystallization and Texture Evolution in Cu layers of a Roll-Bonded Cu-Nb Composite”, Materials Science and Engineering - A, 520 (2009) 189-196. link |
2009.23: J. Listak, I. F. Hakem, H. J. Ryu, S. Rangou, N. Politakos, K. Misichronis, A. Avgeropoulos, M. R. Bockstaller; "Effect of Chain Architecture on the Compatibility of Block Copolymer/Nanoparticle Blends", Macromolecules, 42 (2009) 5766-5773. |
2009.24: J. Gruber, H.M. Miller, T.D. Hoffmann, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, "Misorientation texture development during grain growth. Part I: Simulation and experiment," Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 6102–6112. |
2009.25: F. Papillon, G.S. Rohrer, and P. Wynblatt, "Effect of segregating impurities on the grain boundary character distribution of magnesium oxide," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 92 (2009) 3044-3051. |
2009.26: P. Wynblatt and D. Chatain, “Surface Segregation Anisotropy and the Equilibrium Crystal Shape of Alloys,” Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 21 (2009) 44-56. |
2009.27: F. Uyar, S. R. Wilson, J. Gruber, S. Lee, S. Sintay, A. D. Rollett, D. J. Srolovitz, “Testing a curvature driven moving finite element grain growth model with the generalized three dimensional von Neumann relation,” International Journal of Materials Research, 100:4 (2009) 543-549. DOI: 10.3139/146.110075 |
2009.28 W. Chan, M. C. Gao, O. N. Dogan, P. King, A. D. Rollett, “Thermodynamic Assessment Of Cr-Rare Earth Systems”, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 30(6): 578 (2009). |
2009.29 L. Wang, S.R. Daniewicz, M.F. Horstemeyer, S. Sintay, A.D. Rollett, “Three-dimensional finite element analysis using crystal plasticity for a parameter study of microstructurally small fatigue crack growth in a AA7075 aluminum alloy”, International Journal of Fatigue, 31: 651–658 (2009). |
2009.30 L. Wang, S.R. Daniewicz, M.F. Horstemeyer, S. Sintay, A.D. Rollett, “Three-dimensional finite element analysis using crystal plasticity for a parameter study of fatigue crack incubation in a 7075 aluminum alloy”, International Journal of Fatigue, 31: 659–667 (2009). |
2009.31 A. Darbal, K. Barmak,T. Nuhfer, D. J. Dingley, G. Meaden, J. Michael, T. Sun, K. R. Coffey, “Orientation Imaging of Nanocrystalline Platinum Films in the TEM”, Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis, 15, Supplement 2, 1232-1233 (2009). |
2009.32 M. Chipot, D. Hilhorst, D. Kinderlehrer, and M. Olech, “Contraction in L^1 and large time behavior for some n-component reaction-diffusion systems Differential Equations and Applications,” Differ. Equ. Appl. 1.1, 139-151 (2009). |
2009.33 N. Kota, A.D. Rollett, and O. B. Ozdoganlar, “Modelling machining forces for fcc metals,” Proc. 4M/ICOMM 2009 - The Global Conference on Micro Manufacture, pp. 333-6, October 1-4, 2009, Karsruhe, Germany. |
2009.34 P. Voudouris, J. Choi, H. Dong, M. R. Bockstaller, K. Matyjaszewski, G. Fytas; “Effect of Shell Architecture on the Static and Dynamic Properties of Polymer-Coated Particles in Solution”, Macromolecules 42, (2009), 2721-2728. |
2009.35 C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, J. Lind, U. Lienert, A.D. Rollett, P. Wynblatt, R.M. Suter, "Statistics of High Purity Nickel Microstructure From High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy," Computers, Materials and Continua, 14, (2009) 209-219. |
2008.01: V. Randle, G.S. Rohrer, and Y Hu, "Five-parameter
grain boundary analysis of a titanium alloy before
and after low temperature annealing," Scripta Materialia 58 (2008)
183-186. |
2008.02: Emine Boz, Alexander J. Nemeth, and Kenneth B. Wagener,
Keesu Jeon, Robert Smith, Farhod Nazirov, Michael
R. Bockstaller, Rufina G. Alamo, “Well-Defined Precision Ethylene/Vinyl
Fluoride Polymers: Synthesis and Crystalline Properties” , Macromolecules 41,
(2008) 1647-1653. |
2008.03: R.M. Suter, C.M. Hefferan, S.F. Li, D. Hennessy, C. Xiao, U.
Lienert, and B. Tieman3, “Probing Microstructure Dynamics With X-Ray
Diffraction Microscopy”, J. Eng. Mater. Technol., 130 (2008) 021007. |
2008.04: C.-S. Kim, T.R. Massa, G.S. Rohrer, "Interface
character distributions in WC-Co composites," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 91 (2008)
996-1001. |
2008.05: V. Randle, G.S. Rohrer, H.M. Miller, M. Coleman, G.T.
Owen, "Five-parameter grain boundary distribution of commercially
grain boundary engineered nickel and copper," Acta Materialia,
56 (2008) 2363-2373. |
2008.06: M. H. Alvi, S. W. Cheong, J. P. Suni, H. Weiland,
A. D. Rollett, “Cube texture in hot rolled Aluminum Alloy 1050
(AA1050) - nucleation and growth behavior”, Acta materialia,
56 (2008) 3098-3108. |
2008.07: D. Li, A.D. Rollett, G. Vialle, H. Garmestani, “Multiproperty
Microstructure and Property Design of Magnetic Materials”, J.
Eng. Mater. Technol. 130 (2008) 021023. |
2008.08: Paul Wynblatt, "Interfacial Segregation Effects
in Wetting Phenomena", Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 2008,
vol. 38, 173-96. abstract |
2008.09: P. Wynblatt, "Introduction to Interfaces and
Diffusion", Chapter in "Materials for Generation IV Systems", NATO
Science for Peace and Security Series -B: Physics and Biophysics,
Eds: V. Ghetta, D. Gorse, D. Maziere and V. Pontikis, Springer 2008,
pp.393-424. link |
2008.10: S.J. Dillon, S. Behera and M.P. Harmer, “An
experimentally quantifiable solute drag factor”, Acta Materialia 56 (2008)
1374-1379. |
2008.11: R. A. Lebensohn, R. Brenner , O. Castelnau and A. D. Rollett, “Orientation image-based micromechanical modelling of subgrain texture evolution in polycrystalline copper”, Acta materialia, 56[15], (2008) 3914-3926. |
2008.12: P. Wynblatt and D. Chatain, Solid-state Wetting Transitions at Grain Boundaries, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 495, (2008) 119-125. |
2008.13: S. J. Dillon and M. P. Harmer, “Demystifying the Role of Sintering Additives with ‘Complexion’ ”, J. Eur. Ceram., 28[7], (2008) 1485-1495. |
2008.14: S.J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, "Relating Grain Boundary Complexion to Grain Boundary Kinetics I: Calcia-Doped Alumina", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 91[7], (2008) 2304-2313. |
2008.15: S.J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, "Relating Grain Boundary Complexion to Grain Boundary Kinetics II: Silica-Doped Alumina", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 91[7], (2008) 2314-2320. |
2008.16: T. Sun, B. Yao, V. Kumar, K. Barmak, and K. R. Coffey, “Grain Growth in Dielectric-encapsulated Cu Thin Films,” J. Mater. Res., 23[7], (2008) 2033-2039. |
2008.17: T. Sun, B. Yao, A. Warren, V. Kumar, S. Roberts, K. Barmak, and K. R. Coffey, “Classical size effect in oxide-encapsulated Cu thin films: Impact of grain boundaries versus surfaces on resistivity”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 26[4], (2008) 605-609. |
2008.18: B. Lawson, N. Kota. And O.B. Ozdoganlar, “Effects of Crystallographic Anisotropy on Orthogonal Micromachining of Single-Crystal Aluminum,” ASME J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 130[3], (2008) 031116. |
2008.19: K. Barmak, M. Emelianenko, D. Golovaty, D. Kinderlehrer, and S. Ta’asan, “A new perspective on grain boundary evolution,” Int. J. Num. Anal. and Mod., 5, (2008) 93-108. |
2008.20: K. Barmak, M. Emelianenko, D. Golovaty, D. Kinderlehrer, and S. Ta’asan, “Towards a statistical theory of texture evolution,” SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 30[6], (2008) 3150-3169. |
2008.21: N. Kota and O. B. Ozdoganlar, , "A Simplified Model for Orthogonal Micromachining of fcc Single-Crystal Materials," Transactions of NAMRI/SME, 36, (2008) 193-200. |
2008.22: S. Hastings, D. Kinderlehrer, and J.B. McLeod, Diffusion mediated transport with a look at motor proteins, Recent advances in nonlinear analysis, (Chipot, M., Lin, C-S, and Tsai, D-H., eds), World Scientific, 95 – 112(2008). |
2008.23: D. Kinderlehrer, Aspects of modeling transport in small systems with a look at motor proteins, Mathematical modeling, simulation, visualization, and e-learning, (Konate, D.,ed.), Springer, 153-164 (2008). |
2008.24: J.E. Bozek, J.D. Hochhalter, M. Liu, G. Heber, S.D. Sintay, A.D. Rollett, D.J. Littlewood, A.M. Maniatty, H. Weiland, R.J. Christ Jr., J. Payne, G. Welsh, D.G. Harlow, P.A. Wawrzynek and A.R. Ingraffea, “A geometric approach to modeling microstructurally small fatigue crack formation: I. Probabilistic simulation of constituent particle cracking in AA 7075-T651”, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 16[6], (2008) 065007. |
2008.25: M.C. Gao, O.N. Dogan, P. King, A.D. Rollett, and M. Widom, “The First-Principles Design of Ductile Refractory Alloys“, JOM 60[7], (2008) 61. |
2008.26: K. Barmak, M. Emelianenko, D. Golovaty, D. Kinderlehrer, and S. Ta’asan, “On a statistical theory of critical events in microstructural evolution” Proc. CMDS 11, ENSMP Press, (2008) 185-194. |
2007.01: U. Lienert, J. Almer, B. Jakobsen, W. Pantleon,
H.F. Poulsen, D. Hennessy, C. Xiao, and R.M. Suter, “3-Dimensional
Characterization of Polycrystalline Bulk Materials Using High-Energy
Synchrotron Radiation”,
Materials Science Forum 539-543, (2007) 2353-2358. |
2007.02: H. Kim, R.P. Camata, S. Lee, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, Y.K.
Vohra, "Crystallographic
Texture in Pulsed Laser Deposited Hydroxyapatite Bioceramic Coatings," Acta
Materialia, 55 (2007) 131-139. |
2007.03: T. Sano and G.S. Rohrer, "Experimental Evidence
for the Development of Bimodal Grain Size Distributions by the Nucleation-
Limited Coarsening Mechanism," J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90 (2007)
2007.04: C.-S. Kim, T.R. Massa, G.S. Rohrer, "Modeling
the Influence of Orientation Texture on the Strength of WC-Co Composites," J.
Ceram. Soc. 90 (2007) 199-204. |
2007.05: H.M. Miller, C.-S. Kim, J. Gruber, V. Randle,
and G.S. Rohrer, "Orientation Distribution of sigma-3 Grain
Boundary Planes in Ni Before and After Grain Boundary Engineering", Materials
Science Forum, 558-559 (2007) 641-647. |
2007.06: S.-B. Lee, A. D. Rollett, and G. S. Rohrer, "Three-Dimensional
Microstructure Reconstruction Using FIB-OIM", Materials
Science Forum, 558-559 (2007) 915-920. |
2007.07: S.J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, "Mechanism
of "Solid State" Single Crystal Conversion in
Alumina," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 90 (2007) 993-995. |
2007.08: S.J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, "Direct Observation
of Multilayer Adsorption on Alumina Grain Boundaries," J.
Amer. Ceram. Soc., 90 (2007) 996-998. |
2007.09: S.J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, "Diffusion
Controlled Abnormal Grain Growth
in Ceramics", Mat. Sci. Forum, 558-559 (2007)
1227-1236. |
2007.10: S.C.V. Lim and A.D. Rollett, "Recrystallization
Texture of Copper as a Function of Layer Thickness in Roll-Bonded
Cu-Nb Composites," Materials Science Forum, 550 (2007)
515-520. |
2007.11: A.D. Rollett, A.P. Brahme, C.G. Roberts, "An
Overview of Accomplishments and Challenges in Recrystallization
and Grain Growth," Materials Science Forum, 558-559 (2007)
1227-1236. |
2007.12: A. Acharya, “Jump condition for GND evolution
as a constraint on slip transmission at grain boundaries”, Philosophical
Magazine, 87(8-9) 11-21 March 2007, 1349-1359. |
2007.13: T.A. Bennett, P.N. Kalu and A.D. Rollett, “On
the character of host-island grain interfaces in Fe-1%Si alloy”, Scripta
Materialia, 57 (1) (2007) 41-44. |
2007.14: C.G. Roberts, S.L. Semiatin and A.D. Rollett, "Particle-Associated
Misorientation Distribution in a Nickel-Base Superalloy", Scripta
materialia, 56(10) (2007) 899-902. |
2007.15: S.-B. Lee, J.M. Rickman, A.D. Rollett, "Three-Dimensional
simulation of isotropic coarsening in liquid phase sintering I. Model", Acta
Materialia, 55 (2), (2007) 615-626. |
2007.16: A.D. Rollett, S.-B. Lee, R. Campman, and G.S. Rohrer, “Three-Dimensional
Characterization of Microstructure by Electron Back-Scatter Diffraction”, Annual
Review of Materials Research, 37 (2007) 627-658. |
2007.17: M.C. Gao, A.D. Rollett, and M. Widom, “Lattice
stability of aluminum-rare earth binary systems: A first-principles approach”, Physical
Review B, 75 (17), 2007: Art. No. 174120. |
2007.18: G. Sawina, F. Gerspach, N. Bozzolo, K. Sztwiertnia,
A.D. Rollett and F. Wagner, “Modeling the evolution of orientation
distribution functions during grain growth of some Ti and Zr alloys”,
Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Jeju, Korea,
June 2007, S.-J. L. Kang et al., eds., Materials Science Forum, 558-559, (2007)
1163-1169. |
2007.19: K. Okuda, H. Yoshida, Y. Nagataki, Y. Tanaka and A.D.
Rollett, “Preliminary simulation for competing behaviors
between recrystallization and transformation in dual phase steels”,
Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Jeju, Korea,
June 2007, S.-J. L. Kang et al., eds., Materials Science Forum, 558-559,
(2007) 1145-1150. |
2007.20: S.B. Lee and A.D. Rollett, “Three dimensional
Monte Carlo simulation of isotropic coarsening of particles in liquid
phase”, Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth,
Jeju, Korea, June 2007, S.-J. L. Kang et al., eds., Materials Science
Forum, 558-559, (2007) 1115-1120. |
2007.21: SM.C. Gao, J. Gruber, A.D. Rollett and A.P. Kuprat, “Computer
simulation combining finite difference and finite elements methods: solute
drag on migrating grain boundaries in three-dimensions”, Proc.
3rd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Jeju, Korea, June
2007, S.-J. L. Kang et al., eds., Materials Science Forum, 558-559, (2007)
1075-1080. |
2007.22: A.P. Brahme, J. Fridy and A.D. Rollett, “Modeling
recrystallization in aluminum using input from experimental observations”,
Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Jeju, Korea,
June 2007, S.-J. L. Kang et al., eds., Materials Science Forum, 558-559, (2007)
1067-1061. |
2007.23: N. Bozzolo, G. Sawina, F. Gerspach, K. Sztwiertnia,
A.D. Rollett and F. Wagner, “Grain boundary character evolution
during grain growth in a Zr alloy”, Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization
and Grain Growth, Jeju, Korea, June 2007, S.-J. L. Kang et al., eds., Materials
Science Forum, 558-559, (2007) 863-868. |
2007.24: A.D. Rollett, A.P. Brahme and C.G. Roberts, “A
n overview of accomplishments and challenges in recrystallization and
grain growth”, Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain
Growth, Jeju, Korea, June 2007, S.-J. L. Kang et al., eds., Materials
Science Forum, 550, (2007) 33-44. |
2007.25: S.Y. Wang and A.D. Rollett, “Abnormal subgrain
growth by Monte Carlo simulation based on hot-rolled AA5005 aluminum
alloy texture”, Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and
Grain Growth, Jeju, Korea, June 2007, S.-J. L. Kang et al., eds., Materials
Science Forum, 550, pp 377-382 (2007). |
2007.26: J.H. Cho, A.D. Rollett, K.H. Oh, “The Microstructure
Evolution of Copper and Gold Bonding Wires during Annealing”, Fundamentals
of Deformation and Annealing, ISBN 0-87849-434-0, Proceedings of the
International Symposium held to coincide with the retirement of Professor
John Humphreys in Manchester, UK, 5th – 7th September 2006, P.
B. Prangnell and P. S. Bate, eds., Materials Science Forum, 550, (2007)
399. |
2007.27: J. Bonivel, S. Biltz, E. Terrell, B. Ozdoganlar,
and C. F. Higgs III, “the effect of microstructure on chemical
mechanical polishing process of thin-film
metals, Proceedings of the STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology
Conference IJTC2007, San Diego, California, USA October 2007. |
2007.28: S. J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, “ Comment on ‘‘Effect
of Interface Structure on the Microstructural
Evolution of Ceramics’’, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90 [7],
(2007) 2291–2292. |
2007.29: S. J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, “Multiple grain
boundary transitions in ceramics: A case study
of alumina, Acta Materialia, 55 (2007) 5247–5254. |
2007.30: S.J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, “Wetting Intergranular
Films Formed by Impurities Accelerate Single-Crystal Conversion in Alumina”,
MRS Bulletin, 32[6], 462 (2007) |
2007.31: G.S. Rohrer, "The Distribution of Grain
Boundary Planes in Polycrystals", JOM 59 (2007) 38-42. |
2007.32: S.T. Downey, II, N. Bembridge, P.N. Kalu, H.M. Miller,
G.S. Rohrer, K. Han, Grain Boundary Plane Distributions in Modified 316
LN Steel Exposed at Elevated and Cryogenic Temperatures, J. Mater.
Sci., 42 (2007) 9543-47. |
2007.33: H.M. Miller, C.-S. Kim, J. Gruber, V. Randle, and
G.S. Rohrer, "Orientation Distribution of S3 Grain Boundary Planes
in Ni Before and After Grain Boundary Engineering," Materials
Science Forum 558-559 (2007) 641-647. |
2007.34: D. Kinderlehrer, “Added dimensions to grain
growth”, Nature, News and Views, 446 (2007), 995-996. |
2007.35: Y.S. Choi, H.R. Piehler, A.D. Rollett, “Introduction and application of modified surface roughness parameters based on the topographical distributions of peaks and valleys”, Materials Characterization, 58: 901-908 (2007). |
2006.01: C.-S. Kim, T.R. Massa, G.S. Rohrer, "Modeling
the Relationship between Microstructural Features and the Strength
of WC-Co Composites," International Journal of Refractory
Metals and Hard Materials, 24 (2006) 89-100. |
2006.02: E.R. Homer, B.L. Adams, and D. Fullwood, "Recovery
of the Grain Boundary Character Distribution through
Oblique Double-Sectioning," Scripta Materialia, 54 (2006) 1017-1021. |
2006.03: C.-S. Kim, A.D. Rollett, and G.S. Rohrer, "Grain
Boundary Planes: New dimensions in the Grain Boundary
Character Distribution," Scripta
Materialia, 54 (2006) 1005-1009. |

2006.04: K. Barmak, J. Kim, C.-S. Kim, W. E. Archibald, G. R.
Rohrer, A. D. Rollett, D. Kinderlehrer, S. Ta'asan, H. Zhang, D. J. Srolovitz, "Grain
boundary energy and grain growth in Al films: Comparison of experiments
and simulations", Scripta Materialia, 54 (2006) 1059-1063. |
2006.05: A.J. Francis and P.A. Salvador, "Epitaxial growth
of Cu(100) and Pt(100) thin films on perovskite substrates", Thin
Solid Films, 496 (2006) 317-325. |
2006.06: D.T. Fullwood, J.A. Basinger, B.L. Adams, “Lattice-based
structures for studying percolation in two-dimensional grain networks”,
Acta Materialia 54 (2006) 1381-1388 |
2006.07: Y. Pang and P. Wynblatt, “Effects of Nb Doping
and Segregation on the Grain Boundary Plane Distribution in TiO2”,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89 [2] 666 - 671 (2006) |
2006.08: V. Randle, G. Rohrer,
and G. Owen. "The Role of the Grain Boundary Plane in Grain Boundary
Engineering," in Anisotropy, Texture, Dislocations, and Multiscale
Modeling in Finite Pasticity and Viscoplasticity and Metal Forming,
Editors: A.S. Khan and R. Kazmi, Neat Press, Inc. (2006) 307. |
2006.09: H. Kim, R.P. Camata,
S. Lee, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, K.M. Hennessy, S.L. Bellis, and
Y.K. Vohra, "Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics with Tailored Crystallographic
Texture for Controlling Cell Adhesion," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 925 (2006) 0925-BB02-07. |
2006.10: M.C. Gao,
T.A. Bennett, A.D. Rollett and D.E. Laughlin, "The effects of applied magnetic fields on the alpha/gamma
phase boundary in the Fe-Si system", Journal of Physics D: Applied
Physics, 39 (2006)
2890-2896. |
2006.11: J.
Gruber, N. Ma, Y. Wang, A.D. Rollett and G.S.
Rohrer, “Sparse data structure and
algorithm for the phase field method”, Modeling Simul. Mater.
Sci. Eng. 14 (2006) 1189-1195.
2006.12: A. Brahme, M.H. Alvi,
D. Saylor, J. Fridy and A.D. Rollett “3D reconstruction of microstructure
in a commercial purity aluminum”, Scripta Materialia 55 (2006) 75–80. |
2006.13: S.C.V. Lim and A.D. Rollett, “Recrystallization
Texture of Copper as a Function of Layer Thickness in Roll-Bonded Cu-Nb
Composites”, Fundamentals of Deformation and Annealing, Materials
Science Forum, 550 (2007) 515. |
2006.14: AD. Rollett, R. Campman, D. Saylor, “Three dimensional
microstructures: Statistical analysis of second phase particles in AA7075-T651”, Materials
Science Forum, 519-521 (2006) 1-10. |
2006.15: T. A. Bennett, A.D. Rollett and P.N. Kalu, “Stored
Energy Driven Abnormal Grain Growth in Fe-1Si ". Canadian Institute
of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Proceedings of the International Symposium
on Advanced Steels, Edited by J.A. Szpunar and H. Li, (2006) pp. 217-227. |
2006.16: J.H Cho, A.D. Rollett J.S. Cho, Y.J. Park, J.T.
Moon and K.H. Oh, "Investigation of recrystallization and grain growth
of copper and gold bonding wires". Metallurgical And Materials
Transactions A -Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science 37A(10) (2006)
3085-3097. |
2006.17: J.H Cho, A.D. Rollett, J.S. Cho, Y.J Park, S.H. Park
and K.H. Oh, "Investigation on cold-drawn gold bonding wire with serial
and reverse-direction drawing". Materials Science And Engineering
A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing 2006; 432(1-2) (2006)
202-215. |
2006.18: Y.S. Choi, A.D. Rollett and H.R. Piehler, "Application
of two-point orientation auto-correlation function (TP-OACF)". Materials
Transactions, 47(5) (2006) 1313-1316. |
2006.19: Wynblatt and D. Chatain, “Anisotropy of Segregation at
Grain Boundaries and Surfaces”, Metall. Mater. Trans. 37A, 2595-620
2006.20: P. Wynblatt, D. Chatain, and Y. Pang, Some Aspects of the Anisotropy
of Grain Boundary Segregation and Wetting, J Mater Sci (2006) 41: 77607768
2006.21: Barmak, K., Kinderlehrer, D., Livshits, I., and Ta'asan, S. “Remarks
on a multiscale approach to grain growth in polycrystals”, Prog.
Nonlinear Diff Eqns and Appl., 68, (2006) 1-11
2006.22: R.M. Suter, D. Hennessy, C. Xiao, and U. Lienert, “Forward
Modeling Method for Microstructure Reconstruction Using X-ray Diffraction
Microscopy: Single Crystal Verification,” Rev. Sci. Instr. 77, (2006)
2006.23: G.S. Rohrer, V. Randle, C.-S. Kim, and Y. Hu, "Changes
in the five-parameter grain boundary character distribution in alpha-brass
brought about by grain boundary engineering," Acta Materialia 54 (2006) 4389-4502.
2006.24: S.J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, "Mechanism of 'Solid State'
Single Crystal Conversion in Alumina," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 89 (2006) 3885.
2006.25: S.J. Dillon and M.P. Harmer, "Intrinsic Grain Boundary
Mobility in Alumina," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 89 (2006) 3885.
2006.26: D. Kinderlehrer, I. Livshits, and S. Ta'asan, "A
variational approach to modeling and simulation of grain growth," SIAM
Journal on Sci. Comp., 28(5) (2006) 1694-1715. |
2005.01: C.-S. Kim, Y. Hu, G.S. Rohrer, V. Randle, "Five-Parameter Grain Boundary Distribution in Grain Boundary Engineered Brass," Scripta Materialia, 52 (2005) 633-637.
2005.02: A.J. Francis and P.A. Salvador, "Effect of Surface Treatment on Chiral and Achiral SrTiO3 Surface Morphology and Metal Film Growth," Ceramic Transactions, 158 (Surfaces, interfaces, and the science of ceramic joining) (2005) 37-46.
2005.03: : G.S. Rohrer and C.-S. Kim, "The Influence of Singular Surfaces and Morphological Changes on Coarsening," Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 96 (2005) 191-196.
2005.04: E.P. Gorzkowski, H.M Chan, M.P. Harmer, T. Sano, C.-S. Kim, G.S. Rohrer, "Changes in the Distribution of Interfaces in PMN- 35 mol% PT as a Function of Time," Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 96 (2005) 207-210.
2005.05: G.S. Rohrer, "Influence of Interface Anisotropy on Grain Growth and Coarsening," Annual Review of Materials Research 35 (2005) 99-126.
2005.06: T. Sano, C.-S. Kim, and G.S. Rohrer, "Shape Evolution of SrTiO3 Crystals During Coarsening in a Titania-Rich Liquid," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 88 (2005) 993-996.
2005.07: J. Gruber, D.C. George, A.P. Kuprat, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, "Effect of Anisotropic Grain Boundary Properties on Grain Boundary Plane Distributions During Grain Growth," Scripta Materialia 53 (2005) 351-355.
2005.08: A.D. Rollett, "Abnormal Grain Growth and Texture Development," Materials Science Forum 495-497 (2005) 1171-1176.
2005.09: K. Barmak, W. Archibald, J. Kim, C.-S. Kim, C.-S., A.D. Rollett, G.S. Rohrer, S. Ta'asan, D. Kinderlehrer, "Grain boundary energy and grain growth in highly-textured Al films and foils: experiment and simulation," Materials Science Forum 495-497 (2005) 1255-1260.
2005.10: E.R. Homer, J.A. Basinger and B.L.Adams, "Variance of the grain boundary character distribution," Materials Science Forum 495-497 (2005) 871-876.
2005.11: Y. Pang and P. Wynblatt, "Correlation between Grain Boundary Segregation and Grain Boundary Plane Orientation in Nb-doped TiO2," J. Am. Cer. Soc., 88 (2005) 2286-2291.
2005.12: D. Chatain, P. Wynblatt, G.S. Rohrer, "Equilibrium crystal shape of Bi-saturated Cu crystals at 1223 K," Acta Materialia, (2005), 53 (2005) 4057-4064.
2005.13: J.A. Basinger, E.R. Homer, D.T. Fullwood
and B.L. Adams , “Two Dimensional Grain Boundary Percolation in Alloy
304 Stainless Steel”, Scripta Materialia, vol. 53, p. 959, 2005. |
2005.14: Y. Pang, T. Nuhfer and P. Wynblatt, Segregation
of Nb to TiO 2 grain boundaries, Proceedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis
2005, 11 (Suppl. 2), (2005) 1726-27. |
2005.15: P. Wynblatt, Z. Shi, Y. Pang, and D. Chatain,
On the relation between the anisotropies of grain boundary segregation
and grain boundary energy, Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 96 (2005)
1142-46. |
2005.16: M. Winning and A.D. Rollett, “Transition
between low and high angle grain boundaries”, Acta mater., 53 (2005)
2901-2907. |
2005.17: K. Okuda and A.D. Rollett, "Monte
Carlo Simulation of elongated recrystallized grains in steels," Computational
Materials Science, 34 (3) (2005) 264-273 |
2005.18: D.R. Waryoba, P.N. Kalu, and A.D. Rollett, "The
Role of Orientation Pinning in Statically Recrystallized Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity
Copper Wire," Metallurgical & Materials Transactions, 36 A (2005)
205-215. |
2005.19: T. A. Bennett, R.A. Jaramillo, D.E. Laughlin,
J.B. Wilgen, R. Kisner, G. Mackiewicz-Ludtka, G.M. Ludtka, P.N. Kalu, A.D.
Rollett, "Texture Evolution In Fe-1%Si As A Function of High Magnetic
Field," Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals II, 105 (2005) 151-155. |
2005.20: G.S. Rohrer, Micro- and Macrostructures,
Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, article 694 (2005) 403-415. |
2005.21: V. Randle, Y. Hu, G.S. Rohrer, C.-S. Kim, "The
Distribution of Misorientations and Grain Boundary Planes in Grain Boundary
Engineered Brass," Materials Science and Technology, 21 (2005)
1275-1281. |
2005.22: M.L. Taheri, D. Molodov, G. Gottstein, and A.D. Rollett, "Grain
boundary mobility under a stored energy driving force: a comparison to
curvature-driven boundary migration", Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 96 (2005)
10, 1166-1170.
2005.23: S. Galal Yousefw, J. Roedel, E. R. Fuller Jr, A. Zimmermannz,
B. S. El-Dasher, “Microcrack Evolution in Alumina Ceramics: Experiment
and Simulation”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88 [10] (2005) 2809–2816. |
2005.24: B. L. Hansen, B. L. Adams, M. E. Lyon and A. J. Henrie. "On
the Reconstruction of Polycrystalline Microstructures from Two-Point Correlation
Statistics", J. Computer -Aided Materials Design, 10 (3),
(2005) 163-173. |
2004 |
2004.01: D. Chatain, P. Wynblatt, and G.S. Rohrer, "Anisotropic Phenomena at Interfaces in Bismuth-Saturated Copper," Scripta Materialia, 50 (2004) 565-569.
2004.02: C.-S. Kim and G.S. Rohrer, "Geometric and Crystallographic Characterization of WC Surfaces and Grain Boundaries in WC-Co Composites," Interface Science, 12 (2004) 19-27.
2004.03: D.M. Saylor, B.S. El-Dasher, T. Sano, and G.S. Rohrer, "Distribution of Grain boundaries in SrTiO3 as a Function of Five Macroscopic Parameters," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 87 (2004) 670-676.
2004.04: D.M. Saylor, B.S. El-Dasher, Y. Pang, H.M. Miller, P. Wynblatt, A.D. Rollett, and G.S. Rohrer, "Habits of Grains in Dense Polycrystalline Solids," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 87 (2004) 724-726.
2004.05: G.S. Rohrer, D.M. Saylor, B.S. El-Dasher, B.L. Adams, A.D. Rollett, and P. Wynblatt, "The Distribution of Internal Interfaces in Polycrystals," Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 95 (2004) 197-214.
2004.06: A.D. Rollett, G. Gottstein, L. Shvindlerman, and D. Molodov, "Grain Boundary Mobility - a Brief Review," Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 95 (2004) 226-229.
2004.07: D.M. Saylor, B.S. El Dasher, A.D. Rollett, and G.S. Rohrer, "Distribution of Grain Boundaries in Aluminum as a Function of Five Macroscopic Parameters," Acta Materialia, 52 (2004) 3649-3655.
2004.08: D.M. Saylor, B.S.
El Dasher, B.L. Adams, and G.S. Rohrer, "Measuring the
Five Parameter Grain Boundary Distribution From Observations of Planar Sections," Metallurgical
and Materials Transactions, 35A (2004) 1981-1989.
2004.09: D.M. Saylor, J. Fridy B.S. El-Dasher, K.-Y. Jung and A.D. Rollett, "Statistically Representative Three-Dimensional Microstructures Based on Orthogonal Observation Sections," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 35A (2004) 1969-1979.
2004.10: R.J. Larsen and B.L. Adams, "New Stereology for the Recovery of Grain Boundary Plane Distributions in the Crystal Reference Frame," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 35A (2004) 1991-1998.
2004.11: D. Kinderlehrer, J. Lee, I. Livshits, and S. Ta'asan, "Mesoscale Simulation of Grain Growth," in Continuum Scale Simulation of Engineering Materials: Fundamentals - Microstructures - Process Applications, eds. D. Raabe, F. Roters, F. Barlat, L.-Q. Chen, Wiley-VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH & Co. (2004) pp. 356-367.
2004.12: A.D. Rollett, D. Saylor, J. Fridy, B.S. El-Dasher, A. Brahme, S.-B. Lee, C. Cornwell, and R. Noack, "Modeling Polycrystalline Microstructures in 3D", in CP712, Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation, and Applications, NUMIFORM 2004, eds. S. Ghosh, J.C. Castro, J.K. Lee, American Institute of Physics. (2004) pp. 71-77.
2004.13: G.S. Rohrer, B.S. El Dasher, H.M. Miller, A.D. Rollett, and D.M. Saylor, "Distribution of Grain Boundary Planes at Coincident Site Lattice Misorientations," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 819 (2004) N7.2.
2004.14: K. Barmak, W.E. Archibald, A.D. Rollett, S. Ta'asan, and D. Kinderlehrer, "Grain Boundary Properties and Grain Growth: Al Foils, Al Films," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 819 (2004) N6.6.
2004.15: M.L. Taheri, A.D. Rollett, and H. Weiland, "In-Situ Investigation of Grain Boundary Mobility and Character in Aluminum Alloys in the Presence of a Stored Energy Driving Force," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 819 (2004) N6.5.
2004.16: H.M. Miller, D.M. Saylor, B.S. El Dasher, A.D. Rollett, and G.S. Rohrer, "Crystallographic Distribution of Internal Interfaces in Spinel Polycrystals," Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, B. Bacroix, J.H. Driver, R. Le Gall, Cl. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, and L. Tabourot, eds., Annecy, France, August 2004, Materials Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 783-788.
2004.17: T.A. Bennett, C.-S. Kim, G.S. Rohrer, and A.D. Rollett, "Five-Parameter Grain Boundary Character Distribution in Fe-1%Si," Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, B. Bacroix, J.H. Driver, R. Le Gall, Cl. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, and L. Tabourot, eds., Annecy, France, August 2004, Materials Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 1057-1062.
2004.18: D. Kinderlehrer, I. Livshits, G.S. Rohrer, S. Ta'asan, and P. Yu, "Mesoscale Simulation of the Evolution of the Grain Boundary Character Distribution," Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, B. Bacroix, J.H. Driver, R. Le Gall, Cl. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, and L. Tabourot, eds., Annecy, France, August 2004, Materials Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 1063-1068.
2004.19: J. Gruber, D.C. George, A.P. Kuprat, G.S. Rohrer, and A.D. Rollett, "Effect of Anisotropic Interfacial Energy on Grain Boundary Distributions During Grain Growth," Proc.
2nd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, B. Bacroix, J.H. Driver,
R. Le Gall, Cl. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, and L. Tabourot, eds., Annecy, France, August 2004, Materials Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 733-738.
2004.20: D. Kinderlehrer, J. Lee, I. Livshits, A.D. Rollett, and S. Ta'asan, "Mesoscale Simulation of Grain Growth," Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, B. Bacroix, J.H. Driver, R. Le Gall, Cl. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, and L. Tabourot, eds., Annecy, France, August 2004, Materials Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 1057-1062.
2004.21: F. Papillon, P. Wynblatt, and G.S. Rohrer, "Segregation of Calcium to Magnesium Oxide Grain Boundaries," Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, B. Bacroix, J.H. Driver, R. Le Gall, Cl. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, and L. Tabourot, eds., Annecy, France, August 2004, Materials Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 789-794.
2004.22: M.L. Taheri, A.D. Rollett, and H. Weiland, "In-Situ Quantification of Solute Effects on Grain Boundary Mobility and Character in Aluminum Alloys During Recrystallization," Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, B. Bacroix, J.H. Driver, R. Le Gall, Cl. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, and L. Tabourot, eds., Annecy, France, August 2004, Materials Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 997-1002.
2004.23: L.S. Shvindlerman, G. Gottstein, A. D. Rollett, "The Von Neumann-Mullins Theory of Grain Growth - Valid or Not?!," Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, B. Bacroix, J.H. Driver, R. Le Gall, Cl. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, and L. Tabourot, eds., Annecy, France, August 2004, Materials Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 1111-1116.
2004.24: M.H. Alvi, S. Cheong, H. Weiland, A.D. Rollett, "Recrystallization and Texture Development in Hot Rolled 1050 Aluminum," Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, B. Bacroix, J.H. Driver, R. Le Gall, Cl. Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Réglé, and L. Tabourot, eds., Annecy, France, August 2004, Materials Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 357-362.
2004.25: A.D. Rollett, P. Manohar, "Monte Carlo Modeling of Grain Growth and Recrystallization", chapter 4 in a book entitled "Continuum Scale Simulation of Engineering Materials" edited by D. Raabe and F. Roters, Wiley-VCH, (2004) 855pp.
2004.26: J.-H. Cho, A.D. Rollett, K.H. Oh, "Determination of Volume Fractions of Texture Components with Standard Distributions in Euler Space," Metallurgical & Materials Transactions 35A (2004) 1075-1086.
2004.27: G. Gottstein, A.D. Rollett, L.S. Shvindlerman, "On the Invalidity of the von Neumann-Mullins Relation", Scripta Mater. 51 (2004) 611-616.
2004.28: Y.-S. Choi, H.R. Piehler, A.D. Rollett, "Formation of Meso-Scale Roughening in 6022-T4 Al Sheets Deformed in Plane-Strain Tension", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions 35A (2004) 513-524.
2004.29: P. Yu and S. Ta'asan, "Bridging Micro and Macro Scales in Fluids", in Continuum Models and Discrete Systems, D. Bergman & E. Inan, Eds. Kluwer (2004) 299-310.
2004.30: G.S. Thompson, P.A. Henderson, M.P. Harmer, G.C. Wei, W.H. Rhodes, "Conversion of Polycrystalline Alumina to Single Crystal Sapphire by Localized Co-Doping with Silica," J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 87 (2004) 1879-1882. |
2004.31: A.J. Francis and P.A. Salvador, "Chirally Oriented Heteroepitaxial Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition: Pt(621) on SrTiO3(621)," J. Appl. Phys. 96 (2004) 2482-2493.
2004.32: M.L. Taheri, Eric Stach, V.R. Radmilovic, H. Weiland and
A.D. Rollett, "In-Situ Electron Microscopy Studies of the Effect of Solute
Segregation on Grain Boundary Anisotropy and Mobility in an Al-Zr Alloy," Mat.
Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 839 (2004) P7.7. |
2004.33: K. Barmak, M. Emelianenko, D. Golovaty, D.
Kinderlehrer, and S. Ta’asan, “A New Perspective on Texture
Evolution”, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling
Computing and Information, 1-1 (2004) 1-18. |
2003 |
2003.01: S. Mahadevan and D. Casasent, "Automated Image Processing for Grain Boundary Analysis," Ultramicroscopy, 96 (2003) 153-162.
2003.02: B. S. El-Dasher, B. L. Adams, and A. D. Rollett, "Viewpoint: Experimental Recovery of Geometrically-Necessary Dislocation Density in Polycrystals" Scripta Materialia, 48 (2003) 141-145.
2003.03: M. C. Demirel, A. P. Kuprat, D. C. George, and A. D. Rollett "Bridging Simulations and Experiments in Microstructure Evolution," Physical Review Letters, 90 (2003) 016106. |
2003.04: J.-H. Cho, J.S. Cho, J.T. Moon, J. Lee, Y.H. Cho, A.D. Rollett and K.H. Oh, "Recrystallization and Grain Growth of Gold Bonding Wire", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions, 34A (2003) 1113. |
2003.05: P. Wynblatt, G.S. Rohrer and F. Papillon, "Grain Boundary Segregation in Oxide Ceramics," J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 23 (2003) 2841-2848. |
2003.06: J.L. Giocondi and G.S. Rohrer, "Orientation Dependence of Photochemical Reduction Reactions on SrTiO3 Surfaces," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., (Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 751, Pittsburgh, PA, 2003) 19-24. |
2003.07: J.L. Giocondi, A.M. Zimbouski, and G.S. Rohrer, " Photochemical Reactivity of Sr2Nb2O7 and
Sr2Ta2O7 as a Function of Surface Orientation," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., (Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 755,
Pittsburgh, PA, 2003) 315-20. |
2003.08: J.L. Giocondi, S. Samadzadeh, and G.S. Rohrer, "Orientation Dependence of the Photochemical Reactivity of BaTi4O9," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., (Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 755, Pittsburgh, PA, 2003) 221-6. |
2003.09: D.M. Saylor, A. Morawiec, and G.S. Rohrer, "Distribution of Grain boundaries in Magnesia as a Function of Five Macroscopic Parameters," Acta Mater., 51 (2003) 3663-3674. |
2003.10: D.M. Saylor, A. Morawiec, and G.S. Rohrer, "The Relative Free Energies of Grain boundaries in Magnesia as a Function of Five Macroscopic Parameters," Acta Mater., 51 (2003) 3675-3686. |
2003.11: S.W. Cheong, E.J. Hilinski, and A.D. Rollett, "Effect of temper rolling on texture formation in a Low-Loss Cold-Rolled Motor-Lamination Steel", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions, 34A, (2003) 1311-1319. |
2003.12: S.W. Cheong, E.J. Hilinski, and A.D. Rollett, "Secondary Recrystallization in a Low-Loss Cold-Rolled Motor-Lamination Steel", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions, 34A, (2003) 1321-1327. |
2003.13: A. Asthagiri, C. Niederberger, A.J. Francis, L. Porter, P.A. Salvador and D. S. Sholl, "Thin Pt films on the polar SrTiO3(111) surface: an experimental and theoretical study", Surface Science, 537, (2003) 134-152. |
2003.14: E.A. Holm, M.A. Miodownik and A.D. Rollett, "On abnormal subgrain growth and the origin of recrystallization nuclei," Acta Materialia, 51 (2003) 2701-2716. |
2003.15: T. Sano, D.M. Saylor, and G.S. Rohrer, "Surface Energy Anisotropy of SrTiO3 at 1400 ∞C in Air," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 86 (2003) 1933-1939. |
2003.16: S.B. Lee, J.M. Rickman and K. Barmak, "Phase transformation kinetics and self-patterning in misfitting thin film," Acta Materialia, 51 (2003) 6415-6427. |
2003.17: K. Barmak, A. Gungor, A. D. Rollett, C. Cabral, Jr., and J. M. E. Harper, "Texture of Cu and dilute binary Cu-alloy films: Impact of annealing and solute content," Mater. Sci. in Semicon. Processing, 6 (2003) 175-184. |
2003.18: C.M.B. Bacaltchuk, G.A. Castello-Branco, M. Ebrahimi, H. Garmestani, A.D. Rollett, "Effect of Magnetic Field Applied During Secondary Annealing on Texture and Grain size of Silicon Steel", Scripta Materiala, 48 (2003) 1343-1347. |
2003.19: A.D. Rollett, "Sensitivity of texture development during grain growth to anisotropy of grain boundary properties," in Thermodynamics, Microstructures and Plasticity, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, September, 2002, Fréjus, France; A. Finel et al., eds., published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2003) 123-133.
2003.20: P.A. Manohar, A.D. Rollett, "Asynchronous Parallel Potts Model for Simulation of Grain Growth", 'Materials Science and Technology (MS & T '03)' conference incorporating 'Modeling, Microstructure and Control in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Industry' symposium, ed. F. Kongoli et al., TMS and ISS, Chicago, Nov. 9 - 12, (2003) pp. 399-412.
2003.21: P. A. Manohar, K-H Lim, A. D. Rollett, "Simulation of Microstructural Evolution in Wire Rod Rolling of Medium C-Mn Steel", Materials Science Forum, 426 - 432, (2003) 3789-3794.
2003.22: K-H Lim, P. A. Manohar, D. Lee, Y. C. Yoo, C. M. Cady, G. T. Gray III, A. D. Rollett, C-Mn Steel", "Constitutive Modeling of High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of a Medium C-Mn Steel," Materials Science Forum, 426 - 432, (2003) 3903-3908.
2003.23: A. Brahme, D.M. Saylor, J.Fridy, A.D. Rollett, "Statistically Representative Three-Dimensional Microstructures for Modeling Microstructural Evolution in Aluminum ," Proc. 1st Intl. Symp. on Metallurgical Modeling for Aluminum Alloys, Materials Solutions Conference 2003, Pittsburgh, (2003) pp. 163-168.
2003.24: A M.H. Alvi, S. Cheong, H. Weiland, A.D. Rollett, "Microstructural evolution during recrystallization in hot rolled Aluminum Alloy 1050," Proc. 1st Intl. Symp. on Metallurgical Modeling for Aluminum Alloys, Materials Solutions Conference 2003, Pittsburgh, (2003) 191-197.
2003.25: P.A. Manohar, K.-H. Lim, A.D. Rollett, Y. Lee, "Computational exploration of microstructural evolution in a medium C-Mn steel and applications to rod mill," ISIJ International 43 (2003) 1421-1430.
2003.26: S. Ta'asan, I. Livshits, and D. Kinderlehrer "From deterministic curvature driven grain growth to stochastic models", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics K.J. Bathe (Editor), Elsevier Science, 2003. |
2003.27: S. Ta'asan, P. Yu, I. Livshits, D. Kinderlehrer, J. Lee,. "Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Grain Bounday Evolution", Proceedings of the 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, April 7-10, 2003. |
2003.28: P. Yu and S. Taasan "Large scale limit of Monte-Carlo simulations of grain growth," Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, K.J. Bathe, Editor, Elsevier Science 2003. |
2003.29: J.H Cho, J.S. Cho, J. Lee,
Y.H. CHO, Y.W. Kim, A.D. Rollett, and K.H. Oh, "Recrystallization and grain growth of Cold-drawn
gold bonding wire Investigation on cold-drawn gold bonding wire with serial
and reverse-direction drawing", Met. Mat. Trans. A, 34A, (2003) 1113-1125. |
2002 |
2002.01: R. J. Larsen and B. L. Adams, "New stereology for recovering grain boundary character distributions in the crystal frame," in Proceedings of Plasticity '02, eds. A. S. Khan and O. Lopez-Pamies, Neat Press, MD, 2002, pp. 27-29. |
2002.02: A.D. Rollett, M.L. Taheri, B.S. El-Dasher, "Texture Dependent Measurement of Crystallization Kinetics Using electron Backscatter Diffraction," in Proceedings of Plasticity '02, eds. A. S. Khan and O. Lopez-Pamies, Neat Press, MD, 2002, pp. 42-44. |
2002.03: C.T. Wu, B.L. Adams, D. Casasent, S. Ozdemir, and A. Talukder, "Mapping the mesoscale interface structure in polycrystalline materials", Ultramicroscopy, 93 (2002) 99-109. |
2002.04: G.S. Rohrer, C.L. Rohrer, and W.W. Mullins, "Coarsening of Faceted Crystals," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 85 (2002) 675-82. |
2002.05: M. C. Demirel, A. P. Kuprat, D. C. George, G. K. Straub, and A. D. Rollett, "Linking Experimental Characterization and Computational Modeling of Grain Growth in Al-Foil," Interface Science 10 (2002) 137-141. |
2002.06: D. Kinderlehrer, I. Livshits, D. Mason, and S. Ta'asan, "The surface energy of MgO: Multiscale reconstruction from thermal groove geometry," Interface Science 10 (2002) 233-242. |
2002.07: D.M. Saylor, A. Morawiec, G.S. Rohrer, "Distribution and Energies of Grain
Boundaries in Magnesia as a Function of Five Degrees of Freedom," J. Amer.
Ceram. Soc., 85 (2002) 3081-3. |
2002.08: D.M. Saylor and G.S. Rohrer, "Determining Crystal Habits from Observations of Planar Sections," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 85 (2002) 2799-804. |
2002.09: A.D. Rollett, "A New Representation of Grain Boundary Properties," 8th International Conference on Aluminum and its Alloys (ICAA8), Materials Science Forum, 396-402, (2002) 593. |
2002.10: P.S. Lee, H.R. Piehler, A.D. Rollett and B.L. Adams, "Texture Clustering and Long-Range Disorientation Representation Methods: Application to 6022 Aluminum Sheet," Met. Trans. A, 33 (2002) 3709. |
2002.11: A.D. Rollett, "Texture Development Dependence on Grain Boundary Properties," Proceedings of ICOTOM 13, Seoul, Aug. 2002, Materials Science Forum 408-412, (2002) pp. 251-256. |
2002.12: Jae-Hyung Cho, J.S. Cho, J.T. Moon, J. Lee, Y.H. Cho, A.D. Rollett, and K.H. Oh, "Characterization of Cold Drawn Gold Bonding Wire with EBSD", Proceedings of ICOTOM 13, Seoul, Aug. 2002, Materials Science Forum 408-412, (2002) pp. 499-504. |
2002.13: D.M.Saylor, A.Morawiec, K.W.Cherry, F.H.Rogan, G.S.Rohrer, S.Mahadevan, and D.Casasent, "Crystallographic Distribution of Low Angle Grain Boundary Planes in Magnesium Oxide," Proceedings of ICOTOM 13, Seoul, Aug. 2002, Materials Science Forum 408-412, (2002) pp. 1705-1710. |
2002.14: A. Gungor, K. Barmak, A. D. Rollett, C. Cabral, Jr., and J. M. E. Harper, "Texture of Cu and Dilute Binary Cu(Ti) and Cu(In) Thin Films," Proceedings of ICOTOM 13, Seoul, Aug. 2002, Materials Science Forum 408-412, (2002) pp. 1567-1572. |
2002.15: S. Mahadevan and D. Casasent, "Detection of Sample Parameters in secondary Electron Microscope Images (Test Results)" Info in Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4735, April 2002, pp. 104-112. |
2002.16: B. S. El-Dasher, B. L. Adams and A. D. Rollett, "Advances in Experimental Method and Analysis for Estimation of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations", Proceedings of the 1st French Russian on Physics and Mechanics of Large Plastic Strains, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2002. |
2002.17: A. Gungor, K. Barmak, A.D. Rollett, C. Cabral, Jr., and J.M.E. Harper, "Texture and Resistivity of Binary Cu(Al), Cu(In), Cu(Ti), Cu(Nb), Cu(Ir) and Cu(W) Alloy Thin Films," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 20 (2002) 2314. |
2002.18: K. Barmak, A. Gungor, A. D. Rollett, C. Cabral, Jr., J. M. E. Harper, "Texture and resistivity of Cu and dilute Cu alloy films", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., (Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 721, Pittsburgh, PA, 2002) 51-59 (invited). |
2002.19: Gungor, K. Barmak, A. D. Rollett, C. Cabral, Jr., and J. M. E. Harper, "Cu and dilute binary Cu(Ti), Cu(Sn) and Cu(Al) thin films: texture, grain growth and resistivity, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., (Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. Spring 2002, Pittsburgh, PA, 2002). |
2002.20: Ryan J. Larsen and Brent L. Adams, "Stereology for Recovering Grain Boundary Plane Distributions in the Crystal Frame," Proceedings of ICOTOM 13, Seoul, Aug. 2002, Materials Science Forum 408-412, (2002) pp. 125-130. |
2002.21: A.J. Henrie, B.L. Adams and R.J. Larsen "Creating a model for percolation of grain boundaries in polycrystalline materials" Proceedings of ICOTOM 13, Seoul, Aug. 200, Materials Science Forum 408-412, (2002) pp. 419-424. |
2002.22: K. Okuda and A.D. Rollett " Monte Carlo simulation of abnormal grain growth during nucleation" Proceedings of ICOTOM 13, Seoul, Aug. 2002, Materials Science Forum 408-412, (2002) pp. 413-418. |
2002.23: J.-H. Cho, S.-J. Park. S.-H. Choi and K.H. Oh "Deformation Texture of cold drawn Al 6063 Tube" Proceedings of ICOTOM 13, Seoul, Aug. 2002, Materials Science Forum 408-412, (2002) pp. 565-570. |
2002.24: M.C. Demirel, D.C. George, and A.D. Rollett, and B.R. Schlei " Finite Element 3D Mesh Generation From Experimental Microstructures", submitted to Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (MSMSE) (2002). |
2002.25: J.H. Su, S.L Atwell, O. Castillo, S.M. Durbin, P.A. Salvador, P. V. P. S. S. Sastry, and J. Schwartz, "Growth of superconducting (Hg,Re)Ba2CaCu2Oy thin films on Ag by pulsed laser deposition," Physica C, 372-376 (2002) 782-785. |
2002.26: A.J. Francis and P.A. Salvador, "Synthesis Structures, and Physical Properties of Yttrium-Doped Strontium Manganese Oxide Films," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 718 (2002) D.9.4.1-D.9.4.6. |
2001 |
2001.01: W.W. Mullins "Capillary-Induced Surface Morphologies," Interface Science, 9 (2001) 9-20. (invited). |
2001.02: D.M. Saylor and G.S. Rohrer, "Evaluating Anisotropic Surface Energies Using the Capillarity Vector Reconstruction Method," Interface Science, 9 (2001) 35-42. (invited). |
2001.03: S. Mahadevan and D. Casasent, "Detection of Triple Junction Parameters in Microscope Images," Proc. SPIE, 4387 April (2001) pp. 204-214. |
2001.04: A.D. Rollett, and D. Raabe, "A Hybrid Model for Mesoscopic Simulation of Recrystallization", Computational Materials Science, 21 (2001) 69-78. |
2001.05: H. Garmestani, S. Lin, S. Ahzi, and B. L. Adams, "Statistical Continuum Theory for large Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials," J. Mech. Phys. Solids 49 (2001) 589-607. |
2001.06: G.S. Rohrer, "The Anisotropy of Metal Oxide Surface Properties," in Chemical Physics of Solid Surfaces: Vol 9: Oxide Surfaces, edited by D. P. Woodruff. (Elsevier, 2001) pp. 485-513 (invited). |
2001.07: D. Kinderlehrer and C. Liu, "Evolution of Grain Boundaries," Mathematical Methods and Modelling in the Applied Sciences, 4 (2001) 713-729. |
2001.08: C.-C. Yang, A. D. Rollett and W. W. Mullins, "Measuring Relative Grain Boundary Energies and Mobilities in an Aluminum Foil from Triple Junction Geometry," Scripta Met., 44 (2001) 2735-40. |
2001.09: G.S. Rohrer, C.L. Rohrer, and W.W. Mullins,"Nucleation Energy Barriers for
Volume Conserving Shape Changes of Crystals with Nonequilibrium Morphologies,"
J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 84 (2001) 2099-104. |
2001.10: V.R. Vedula, S.J. Glass, D.M. Saylor, G.S. Rohrer, W.C. Carter, and S.A.
Langer, "Residual Stress Predictions in Polycrystalline Alumina," J. Amer.
Ceram. Soc., 84 (2001) 2947-54. |
2001.11: J.L. Giocondi and G.S. Rohrer, "Photochemical Reduction and Oxidation
Reactions on Barium Titanate Surfaces," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.,
(Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 654, Pittsburgh, PA, 2001) AA7.4.1-10. |
2001.12: D. Kinderlehrer, I. Livshits, F. Manolache, A.D. Rollett, S. Ta'asan, "An Approach to the Mesoscale Simulation of Grain Growth," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., (Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 652, Pittsburgh, PA, 2001) Y1.5 (invited). |
2001.13: M.C. Demirel, A.P. Kuprat, D.C. George, B. El-Dasher, N.N. Carlson, G.K. Straub, A.D. Rollett," Comparison of Experimental and Computational Aspects of Grain Growth in Al-Foil," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., (Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 652, Pittsburgh, PA, 2001) p. Y1.8. |
2001.14: E.M. Lauridsen, S. Schmidt, R.M. Suter, and H.F. Poulsen, "Tracking: a Method for Structural Characterization of Grains in Powders or Polycrystals", J. Appl. Cryst., 34 (2001) 744-750. |
2001.15: Poulsen, S.F. Nielsen, E.M. Lauridsen, S. Schmidt, R.M. Suter, U. Lienert, L. Margulies, T. Lorentzen and D. Juul Jensen, "Three-dimensional maps of grain boundaries and the stress state of individual grains in polycrystals and powders," J. Appl. Cryst., 34 (2001) 751-756. |
2001.16: D.M. Saylor, A. Morawiec, K.W. Cherry, F.H. Rogan, G.S. Rohrer, S. Mahadevan, and D. Casasent, "Crystallographic Distribution of Grain Boundaries in Magnesium Oxide," Proceedings of the First Joint International Conference on Grain Growth, Aachen, Germany, Eds. G. Gottstein and D.A. Molodov (Springer Verlag, 2001) 449-454. |
2001.17: G. S. Rohrer and W. W. Mullins, "Energy Barriers for the Morphological
Evolution and Coarsening of Faceted Crystals," Proceedings of the First
Joint International Conference on Grain Growth, Aachen, Germany, Eds. G.
Gottstein and D.A. Molodov (Springer Verlag, 2001) 321-326. |
2001.18: D.M. Saylor, K.W. Cherry, and G.S. Rohrer, "Capillarity Vector Reconstruction of the Relative Energies of [0001] Tilt Boundaries in
Alumina," Proceedings of the First Joint International Conference on
Grain Growth, Aachen, Germany, Eds. G. Gottstein and D.A. Molodov (Springer
Verlag, 2001) 429-434. |
2001.19: M.C. Demirel, A.P. Kuprat, D.C. George, B.S. El-Dasher, G.K. Straub, and A.D. Rollett, "Experimental Verification of Finite Element Simulation of Curvature Driven Grain-Growth in Al-foil," Proceedings of the First Joint International Conference on Grain Growth, Aachen, Germany, Eds. G. Gottstein and D.A. Molodov, (Springer Verlag, 2001) pp. 297-302. |
2001.20: K. Okuda and A.D. Rollett, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Recrystallization and grain Growth in Steels: Preliminary Results," Proceedings of the First Joint International Conference on Grain Growth, Aachen, Germany, Eds. G. Gottstein and D.A. Molodov, (Springer Verlag, 2001) pp 1007-1012. |
2001.21: A.D. Rollett, C-C. Yang, W.W. Mullins, B.L. Adams, C-T Wu, D. Kinderlehrer, S. Taasan, F. Manolache, C. Liu, I. Livshits, D. Mason, A. Talukder, S. Ozdemir, D. Casasent, A. Morawiec, D. Saylor, G.S. Rohrer, M. Demirel, B. El-Dasher, and W. Yang, "Grain Boundary Property Determination though Measurement of Triple Junction Geometry and Crystallography," Proceedings of the First Joint International Conference on Grain Growth, Aachen, Germany, Eds. G. Gottstein and D.A. Molodov, (Springer Verlag, 2001) pp 165-175. |
2001.22: P. Wynblatt and M. Takashima, "An empirical model of grain boundary energy and its application to grain boundary wetting," in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity, Eds. N. Eustathopoulos, K. Nogi and N. Sobczac, Trans. JWRI vol.
30, (2001) pp. 11-20. |
2001.23: P. Wynblatt and M. Takashima, "Correlation of grain boundary character with wetting behavior," Proceedings of IIB 2001, Eds. W.D. Kaplan and E. Rabkin, Interface Science, 9 (2001) 265-263. |
2001.24: D. Kinderlehrer, editor, Hans Lewy Selecta, volumes I and II, Birkhauser, 2001. |
2001.25: T.-D. Doan, J.L. Giocondi, G.S. Rohrer, and P.A. Salvador, "Surface
Engineering Along the Close-Packed Direction of Perovskite Oxides," J.
Crystal Growth 225 (2001) 178-182. |
2001.26: Y. Choi, H.R. Piehler, L.G. Hector and A.D. Rollett. "Quantification of deformation-induced surface roughnening using modified roughness parameters and Fourier filtering," In Second global symposium on innovations in materials process & manufacturing, (M.Y. Demeri, ed.) New Orleans (TMS) (2001), pp. 209-218. |
2001.27: L. Dong, D.J. Srolovitz, G.S. Was, Q. Zhao and A.D. Rollett, "Combined out-of-plane and in-plane texture control in thin films using ion beam assisted deposition," J. Mater. Res., 16 (2001) 210-216. |
2001.28: A. D. Rollett, M. L. Storch, E. J. Hilinski and S. R. Goodman, "Approach to Saturation in Textured Soft Magnetic Materials", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions, 32A (10), (2001) 2595-2603A. |
2001.29: T.-D. Doan, C. Abramowski and P.A. Salvador, "Stability and Structural Characterization of Epitaxial NdNiO3 Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition", in Solid State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials III, eds. M. J. Geselbracht, J. E. Greedan, D. C. Johnson and M.A. Subramanian, Materials Research Society (Pittsburgh, PA), (2001) GG3.27.1-6. |
2000 |
2000.01: D.M. Saylor, A. Morawiec, B.L. Adams, and G.S. Rohrer, "Misorientation Dependence of the Grain Boundary Energy in Magnesia," Interface Science, 8 (2000) 131-140. |
2000.02: M. Takashima, A.D. Rollett, and P. Wynblatt, "A Representation Method For Grain Boundary Character," Phil. Mag., 80 (2000) 2457-65. |
2000.03: M. Takashima, P. Wynblatt, and B.L. Adams, "Correlation of Grain Boundary Character with Wetting Behavior," Interface Science, 8 (2000) 251-361. |
2000.04: D.M. Saylor, D.E. Mason, and G.S. Rohrer, "Experimental Method for
Determining Surface Energy Anisotropy and its Application to Magnesia," J.
Amer. Ceram. Soc. 83 (2000) 1226-32. |
2000.05: S. Sun, B.L. Adams, and W. King "Observations of Lattice Curvature Near the Interface of a Deformed Aluminum Bicrystal," Phil. Mag.A, 80 (2000) 9-25. |
2000.06: W.W. Mullins and G.S. Rohrer, "Nucleation Barrier for Volume Conserving Shape Changes of Faceted Crystals," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 83 (2000) 214-16. |
2000.07: A.J. Francis, A. Bagal and P.A. Salvador, "Thin Film Synthesis of Metastable Perovskites: YMnO3" in Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites, N. Bansal, Eds., (The American Ceramic Society, Inc., Westerville, OH, 2000) pp. 565-75. |
2000.08: A. Morawiec, "Method to Calculate the Grain Boundary Energy Distribution over the Space of Macroscopic Boundary Parameters from the Geometry of Triple Junctions," Acta Mater., 48 (2000) 3525-32. |
2000.09: Demirel, M. C., El-Dasher, B.S., Adams, B.L., and Rollett, A.D., Studies on the Accuracy of Electron Backscatter Diffraction Measurements, Crystallography of Automated Electron Backscatter Diffraction, Edited by A.J. Schwartz, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000. Ch. 6, pp. 65-74. |
2000.10: B. L Adams, B. Henrie, L. Howell, and R. Balling, "Structure-Properties Relations: EBSD-Based Material-Sensitive Design," in Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science, eds. A. J. Schwartz, M. Kumar, and B. L. Adams, Kluwer Scientific /Plenum Publishers, New York (2000) p. 171-180. (invited) |
2000.11: C.-C. Yang, W. W. Mullins and A. D. Rollett, "Measuring relative grain boundary energies and mobilities in an aluminum foil from triple junction geometry", in 21st Risø International Symposium on Materials Science: "Recrystallization - Fundamental aspects and relations to deformation microstructure," N. Hansen et al., eds., Risø Natl. Lab., Roskilde, Denmark (2000) pp 659-664. |
2000.12: J. Kapur and D. Casasent, "Geometric correction of SEM images",
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4044, pp. 165-176, April 2000. |
2000.13: B.L. Adams, B. Henrie, and A. Goyal, "Microstructure-Sensitive Compliant Mechanism Design," in Plastic and Viscoplastic Response of Materials and Metal Forming, eds. A. S. Khan, H. Zhang, and Y. Yuan, NEAT Press, Fulton, MD (2000) p. 513-515 (invited) |
2000.14: H. Garmestani, S. Lin, and B.L. Adams, "Statistical Continuum Theory for Inelastic Behavior of a Two-Phase Medium," Int. J. Solids and Structures 37 (2000) p. 423-434. |
2000.15: A. Morawiec, "Grain Misorientations in Theories of Abnormal Grain Growth in Silicon Steel," Scripta Mater. 42 (2000) 275-8. |
1999 |
1999.01: D.M. Saylor and G.S. Rohrer, "Measuring the Influence of Grain Boundary Misorientation on Thermal Groove Geometry in Ceramic Polycrystals," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 82 (1999) 1529-1536. |
1999.02: B.L. Adams, "Advances in the Mesoscale Approach to Structure-Sensitive Properties Relations in Polycrystalline Materials," Textures and Microstructures, 32 (1999) 3-20. |
1999.03: B.L. Adams, "Quantitative Representation of the Mesostructure of Polycrystalline Materials," Invited chapter in Mechanics and Materials: Fundamentals and Linkages (eds. M. A. Meyers, R. W. Armstrong and H. Kirchner) John Wiley & Sons (1999) 429-450. |
1999.04: A. Morawiec, "Automatic Orientation Determination from Kikuchi Patterns", J.Appl.Cryst., 32 (1999) 788-798. |
1999.05: A. Morawiec, "Calculation of Distribution of Grain Boundary Energy Over Grain Misorientations," Scripta Mat., 41 (1999) 13-18. |
1999.06: S. Ozdemir and D. Casasent, "Scale-Space Median and Gabor Filtering for Boundary Detection in Electron Microscopy Images," Proc. SPIE, 3715 (1999) 289-300. |
1999.07: P.S. Lee, A.D. Rollett, B.L. Adams, "Development of disorientation correlation function," in "The Integration of Material, Process and Product Design", Zabaras et al. eds., Balkema , Rotterdam (1999) pp 33-38. |
1999.08: S.J. Glass, V.R. Vedula, D.M. Saylor, and G.S. Rohrer, "Application of Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to Determine Texture, Microtexture, and Grain Boundary Energies in Ceramics," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 1489-1494. |
1999.09: V.R. Vedula, S.J. Glass, D.M. Saylor, G.S. Rohrer, and W.C. Carter, "Predicting Microstructural-level Residual Stresses and Crack Paths in Ceramics," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 1507-1512. |
1999.10: M. Takashima, A.D. Rollett, P. Wynblatt, and B L. Adams. "Correlation of Grain Boundary Character with Wetting Behavior," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 1649-1654. |
1999.11: B.S. El-Dasher, W. Yang, and B.L. Adams, "Experimental Approach to Contunuum Dislocation Fields in <100> Polycrystalline Columnar Aluminum," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 1248-1253. |
1999.12: D.M. Saylor, G.S. Rohrer, and D.E. Mason, "Determining Surface Energy Anisotropy from Measurements of Thermal Groove Geometry," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 1637-1642. |
1999.13: A. Morawiec and D. Saylor, "Registry between Sections in Precision Sectioning of Pollycrystalline Materials," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 198-203. |
1999.14: D.M. Saylor and G.S. Rohrer "Determining Relative Grain Boundary Energies from Measurements of Thermal Groove Geometry," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 1690-1695. |
1999.15: D.M. Saylor, G.S. Rohrer, and D.E. Mason, "Determining Surface Energy Anisotropy from Measurements of Thermal Groove Geometry," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 1637-1642. |
1999.16: W. Yang, B.L. Adams and M. DeGraef, "Adaptive Orientation Imaging Microscopy," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 192-197. |
1999.17: A. Morawiec, "Reliability of Automatic Orientation Determination from Kikuchi Patterns," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 62-67. |
1999.18: B.L. Adams, C.L. Bauer, D. Casasent, B. El-Dasher, D. Kinderlehrer, I. Livshits, F. Manolache, D. Mason, A. Morawiec, W.W. Mullins, S. Ozdemir, H. Rogan, G. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, D. Saylor, S. Taasan, A. Talukder, C-T Wu, C-C. Yang, and W. Yang "Extraction of Grain Boundary Energies from Triple Juinction Geometry," (Invited paper) Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 9-18. |
1999.19: P.S. Lee, A.D. Rollett, and B.L. Adams "Development and Application of a Disorientation Correlation Function," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 21-28. |
1999.20: B.L. Adams, P.S. Lee, and A.D. Rollett "Spatial Correlations of Orientation, Orientation Clustering and the Variance of the Orientation Distribution Function," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 724-729. |
1999.21: D. Kinderlehrer, I. Livshits, S. Ta'asan, and D.E. Mason, "Multiscale Reconstruction of Grain Boundary Energy from Microstructure," Proceedings of ICOTOM-12, Montréal, Canada, (1999) 1643-1648. |
1999.22: A.D. Rollett and D. Raabe, "A Hybrid Model for Mesoscopic Simulation of Recrystallization," Proceedings of the Fourth Intl. Conf. on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena, Tsukuba, Japan, Edited by T. Sakai and H.G. Suzuki (1999) 625-632. (Invited paper) |
1999.23: B.L. Adams, D. Kinderlehrer, I. Livshits, D.E. Mason, W.W. Mullins, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, D.M. Saylor, S. Ta'asan, and Chun-te Wu, "Extracting Grain Boundary and Surface Energy from Measurement of Triple Junction Geometry," (Invited paper) Interface Science, 7 (1999) 321-337. |
1999.24: D. Kinderlehrer and D. Mason, "Incoherence at Heterogeneous Interfaces," J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 47 (1999) 1609-1632. |
1999.25: T.A. Mason and B.L. Adams, "Use of Microstructural Statistics in Predicting Polycrystalline Material Properties" Metall. Mater. Transactions 30A(1999) p. 969-979. |
1999.26: B. L. Adams, B. El-Dasher, S. Sun and W. Yang "An Experimental Study of Plasticity-Induced Intergranular Heterogeneity in Polycrystals," Proc. Plasticity 99, ed. A. S. Khan, Neat Press (1999) 783-786. |
1998 |
1998.01: B.L. Adams, D. Kinderlehrer, W.W. Mullins, A.D. Rollett, and S. Taasan, "Extracting the Relative Grain Boundary Free Energy and Mobility Functions from the Geometry of Microstructures," Scripta Materialia, 38 (1998) 531-536. |
1998.02: A. Talukder and D. Casasent, "Multiscale Gabor Wavelet Fusion for Edge Detection in Microscopy Images," (Invited paper) Proc. SPIE, 3391 (1998) 336-347. |
1998.03: H. Garmestani, S. Lin, and B.L. Adams, "Statistical Continuum Theory for Inelastic Behavior of a Two-Phase Medium," Int. J. Plasticity, 14 (1998) 719-731. |
1998.04: S.S. Sun and B.L. Adams, "A Mesoscale Study of the Interaction Between Grain Boundaries and the Deformation Field," Proc. Int. Conf. Texture and Properties of Materials, Clausthal, Materials Science Forum, 273-275 (1998) 229-236. |
1998.05: S. Sun, B.L. Adams, C. Shet, S. Saigal, and W. King, "Mesoscale Investigation of the Deformation Field of an Aluminum Bicrystal," Scripta Materialia, 39 (1998) 501-508. |
1998.06: W.W. Mullins, "Grain Growth of Uniform Boundaries with Scaling," Acta Materialia, 46 (1998) 6219-6226. |
1998.07: B.L. Adams, D. Juul-Jensen, H.F. Poulsen, and R. Suter, "Future Trends: Texture Analysis for Structure-Sensitive Properties," Proc. Int. Conf. Texture and Properties of Materials, Clausthal, Materials Science Forum, 273-275 (1998) 29-40. |
1998.08: B.L. Adams and T. Olson, "The Mesostructure-Properties Linkage in Polycrystals," Progress in Materials Science, 43 (1998) 1-87. |
1998.09: P.H. Bocher, J. Azar, B.L. Adams, and J.J. Jonas, "Using OIM to Interpret the Dynamically Recrystallized Texture of a Low Stacking Fault Energy FCC Material," Proc. Int. Conf. Texture and Properties of Materials, Clausthal, Materials Science Forum, 273-275 (1998) 249-254. |
1998.10: D. Casasent, L. Chen, and A. Talukder "Detection of Bands in Backscatter Microscopy Images Using New Hough Transform Techniques," Proc. SPIE, 3389 (1998) 72-84. |
1998.11: P.S. Lee, H.R. Piehler, B.L. Adams, G. Jarvis, H. Hampel, and A.D. Rollett, "Influence of Surface Texture on Orange Peel in Aluminum," J. Materials Processing Technology, 80-81 (1998) 315-319. |
1998.12: J.B. Lowekamp, G.S. Rohrer, P.A. Morris Hotsenpiller, J.D. Bolt, and W.E. Farneth, "The Anisotropic Photochemical Reactivity of Bulk TiO2 Crystals," J. Phys. Chem. B, 102 (1998) 7323-27. |
1998.13:Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials III, TMS (1998) 3-12. |
1998.14: D.M. Saylor, D.E. Mason, and G.S. Rohrer, "The Influence of Surface and Grain Boundary Tangent Plane Anisotropy on Thermal Groove Geometry in Magnesia", Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials III, edited by H. Weiland, B.L. Adams, and A.D. Rollett (TMS, Warrendale PA, 1998) 359-64. |
1998.15: M. Takashima, P. Wynblatt, and B.L. Adams, "Wetting of Fe-Mn Alloy Grain Boundaries by Liquid Cu," Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials III, TMS (1998) 365-370. |
1998.16: A. Talukder, D. Casasent, and S. Ozdemir, "Image Processing for Grain Boundary fetection in Microscope Images," Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials III, TMS (1998) 243-248. |
1998.17: D. Kinderlehrer, C. Liu, F. Manolachem, and S. Taasan, "Remarks about Analysis and Simulations of Grain Boundary Systems," Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials III, TMS (1998) 437-442. |
1998.18: D. Kinderlehrer and D.E. Mason, "Remarks about Incoherence at Heterophase Interfaces," Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials III, TMS (1998) 51-56. |
1998.19: A.D. Rollett, C.-C. Yang, and W.W. Mullins, "Measurement of Triple Junction Geometry for Extraction of Grain Boundary Energies," Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials III, TMS (1998) 349-358. |
1998.20: D. Raabe, "A 3D probabilistic Cellular Automaton for the Discrete Mesoscale Simulation of Recrystallization and Grain Growth Phenomena," Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials III, TMS (1998) 179-185. |
1998.21: A. Morawiec, "Symmetries of Grain Boundary Distributions," Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials III, TMS (1998) 509-514. |
1998.22: D. Kinderlehrer, "Microstructural evolution and metastability in active materials," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 529 (1998) 3-8. |
1998.23: B. L. Adams, S. Sun and W. Yang "Experimental Approach to Continuum Dislocation Fields in Polycrystalline Materials," in proc. Ninth Int. Conf. Continuum Models of Discrete Systems, Istanbul, eds. E. Inan and K. Z. Markov, World Scientific, Singapore (1998) p. 428-436. |
1997 |
1997.01: B.L. Adams, D. Kinderlehrer, S. Taasan, W.W. Mullins, and S. Costiner, "Extracting the Grain -Boundary Character/Free-Energy Relationship From the Microstructure: Pure <100> and <111> Tilt Boundaries," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 472 (1997) 105-111. |
1997.02: A. Talukder and D. Casasent, "Real-Time Robust Line Detection in Microscopy Images," Proc. SPIE, 3208 (1997) 495-503. |
1997.03: A.D. Rollett and W.W. Mullins, "On the Growth of Abnormal Grains," Scripta Materialia, 36 (1997) 975-980. |
1997.04: A.D. Rollett, "Overview of Modeling and Simulation of Recrystallization," Progress in Materials Science, 42 (1997) 79-99. |
1997.05: S. Sun, B.L. Adams, C. Shet, S. Saigal, and W. King, "A Mesoscale Experimental Study of the Interaction of Grain Boundaries with the Deformation Field," Proc. Plasticity 97 (ed. A. Khan) Neat Press, MD (1997) 89-90. |
1997.06: B.L. Adams, "Orientation Imaging Microscopy: Emerging and Future Applications," Ultramicroscopy, 67 (1997) 11-17. |
1997.07: D. Kinderlehrer, "Metastability and hysteresis
in active materials, Smart Structures and Materials," Proc.
SPIE, 3039 (1997) 2-13. |
1997.08: R. D. Doherty, D. A. Hughes, F. J. Humphreys, J. J. Jonas,
D. J. Jensen, M. E. Kassner, W. E. King, T. R. McNelley, H. J. McQueen and
A. D. Rollett, "Current issues in recrystallization", Mat. Sci. & Eng.
A., 238/2 (1997) 219-274 .
1996.01: B.L. Adams and C-T. Wu, "Mapping the Grain Boundary Character/Free Energy Relationship in Polycrystalline Materials: Pure <100> and <111> Tilt Boundaries," Proceedings of ICOTOM-11, Xian, China (1996), 23-30. |
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